"This song makes me wanna commit." He said and I hit him as he shrugged. "It was sweet at first, then it was catchy, now I wish I never talked to Andy. If I didn't, this song wouldn't exist."

"Neither would the band or your relationship." I said and he shrugged as he nodded.

"I think I could live with that."

I pushed him to his stand and then ran up to mine as we sang the chorus. "Cause you walked in and looked me in the eye, can't get you out of my head, baby tell me why-"

"Why won't Keath ever wear a shirt?" I asked loudly instead and Andy laughed as I smiled, finishing the chorus up.

"Baby tell me why you flipped my world upside down, should have known you were the walking disaster of our town." I backed up and then walked around the stage as I played practically the same exact riff for the rest of the song.

"This is my favourite hey! Sing with us." Cisco yelled as we finished the song up. He laughed and Keath agreed as I hummed.

"Tell me the lies on your lips, kiss me with the sugar on your tongue, love me with your ripped up paper heart, play me just for you own fun." Francisco sang and I nodded my head to the song, occasionally glancing at the neck of my bass.

I smiled as I looked out at the crowd of about twenty thousand and then stepped off of stage, standing close to the barricade as I played my instrument. I took some pictures with people in the front as I played and I handed one of them my pick as I played with my fingers.

I went onstage and then grabbed a black pick off the stand as the chorus came up. "Your touch was like fire, it felt good at first and now it burns," We sang and I doubt anyone could tell how depressing the lyrics were with the loud and very raunchy guitar riffs.


"I love you LA." I yelled as I threw all of my picks out to different areas of the crowd. On the last one, I kissed it and then handed it to the security guard to throw out deeper inside the crowd.

I took my shirt from around my waist and then balled it up. I threw it to the crowd aswell and gave them a thumbs up before running off stage.

"God that was great." Keath said and I agreed as I saw no one in our dressing room. I frowned and then a couple of little kids came running out of the closet where we hang our guitars.

"Mama!" The two yelled and hugged me. "There's a monster after us." They told me and I laughed, asking who it was.

"Ah!" Someone yelled and we all went tumbling down to the floor. We all laughed and I kissed Calum's forehead. "You're all sweaty."

"Keath is the worst." Cisco said and everyone agreed. "Keath sweats like a pig."

"Oink oink fucker." He said and we all laughed while Eli yelled at him for swearing. "Sorry bud."

"Eli, mama hit daddy in the privates, can I swear?" Calum groaned as I moved a bit and I laughed.

"No!" He said and crossed his arms. "Swearing is bad, right mama?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm not gonna be able to have anymore kids." Calum said and I snorted.

"Great, you can get a dog-"

"Let's get a dog! In fact, let's get two! A boy and a girl! I'll name the girl and you can name the boy! I want a dog!" Calum babbled and I socked him again in the crotch. "You evil bitch!"

"Andy, if you ever do that to me, we're breaking up and I'm leaving the band." Cisco said and he seemed so damn serious, it was scary.

"Mama can we get a dog?" Dakota asked and I took a deep breath asked I laid down. "Please mama? Dad dry wants a dog!"

"I want a puppy!" Eli said and they all jumped on me, asking if we could get a dog. "Please please please?"




"We don't have time for a pet baby, who's gonna watch him when mama and daddy have to go to work and you guys are at school? We can't get a puppy." I said and Calum said he'll take full responsibility for it. "No Calum."

"Please babygirl?" Calum whined as he hugged me. "I want a puppy, I've been wanting one since Kuma passed." He said quietly and I sighed.

He just had to bring that up. He had to pull the guilt trick on me.

"Calum, we can't." I said and Eli pouted with Dakota. "Andy, back me up here."

"Can't, Cisco and I are getting puppies from a friend of ours." She said and smiled sadly. "They're German Shepherds."

"Can we get a dog too mama, please?" The kids begged me and Calum joined in on the pouting. "We'll take care of it, I promise!"

"I don't know..."


"Urgh, fine. Only if I can pick what kind though." I said and they cheered. I was smashed in hugs and I laughed. "Am I going to regret this?"

"Probably." Keath said and Calum told him to shut up. "Can you stop rolling around on the dirty floor?" He asked and I nodded as I got up.

"When are we getting a puppy?" Dakota asked and I said we can go in an couple of days after they get out of school. She squealed as Andy picked her up and then kissed her cheek.

"You and your brother are hard enough to handle." She said and I nodded. "Now you want a puppy?" She tsk'ed and Dakota nodded.

"Urgh, you're heavy now." Cisco said as he attempted lifting Elijah. "Ah!" He yelled as he raised him up like in The Lion King.

"If you drop my son, I'll drop you, off of a fucking hotel building by your balls." Calum said and I hit his chest. "Hey, I didn't raise him just so he can be dropped by your friend."

"I didn't either but have some faith, Cisco isn't that dumb."

"Yeah, just because I was a prostitute before doesn't mean I'm stupid." He said and glared at Calum playfully. "Jesus, I got stacks on stacks working that job and some valuable life lessons, like money doesn't buy happiness and money won't love you."

"You're sleazy."

"At least I'm not easy." He shot back and I covered my mouth as Calum rolled his eyes.

"That's enough." Keath said and I kissed Calum's cheek, telling him that Cisco was joking. "That was great though man, you finally grew balls."

"No, I think I lost them when the beat dropped at our first concert." He said as he set Elijah down. "Help me find them?"

"You're on your own." Keath said and we laughed as Elijah messed with his drumsticks. "Don't hurt yourself."

"I'm not." Eli promised as he hit the sticks on the table. I laughed and leaned my head on Calum's shoulder.

"We're getting a dog then babe?" Calum asked and I nodded. "God I love you." He said and I smiled.

"I love you too Cal." I said and he kissed my nose as I smiled.

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