Chapter Seventy Four

Start from the beginning

Zayn slowly makes his way towards them, settling on the couch beside Liam, "what's going on?" he yawns and Liam smiles as Bella scrambles out of his lap and onto Zayn's. "Somebody had a bad dream, and I didn't want to wake you up" Liam murmurs, bumping Zayn's shoulder with his own, "it Daddy, Baba" Bella whispers and Zayn chuckles tiredly. "Daddy had a bad dream? You sure it wasn't you Bells?" he asks, Bella shakes her head adamantly and Zayn and Liam both sigh, "you know it's not nice to lie, right?" Zayn asks and Bella pouts, nodding her head, "sorry Baba" she mumbles. Zayn just wraps his arms around her more tightly "what was the dream about?" he hums, Liam watches as Bella shakes her head, no, "Daddy fix it, no tell" she whimpers and Zayn looks conflicted but to his credit, nods his head, "okay, I won't make you tell me" he murmurs. Bella grins, before yawning and snuggling more into Zayn, Liam reaches out to run a hand down her back, "let's all go to bed, yeah?" he murmurs. Zayn nods slowly but Bella pouts, "sleep with you?" she asks, Zayn laughs lightly, while Liam nods, "of course you can" he coos. Liam grabs both his and Bella's mugs and drops them off in the kitchen before following Zayn and Bella up to their bedroom. When he gets there he sees Bella flopped like a starfish on his half of the bed, while Zayn is laying on his side, on his side of the bed. Liam shakes his head and moves towards the bed, "you gotta sleep closer to Baba, Love. I need to get in too" he pouts, Bella giggles but curls into Zayn's side, while Liam climbs into bed, "night night, love you" she mumbles, before Liam can tell she's fallen asleep.

When Liam wakes up the next morning Zayn's no longer in their bed, but Bella is still sleeping beside him, she's obviously tired, if she's still asleep while Zayn's awake. Not wanting to disturb her Liam climbs carefully out of bed before heading towards the kitchen to find Zayn, "morning" he says, laughing when Zayn jumps a little, where he's making pancakes. "Morning" Zayn pouts and Liam coos at him, "Bella's still asleep" he murmurs, stepping forward to pull Zayn into his arms, Zayn comes willingly and Liam smirks as he works his hands under the hem of Zayn's t-shirt, to feel the smooth skin beneath. "She is exhausted, I already sent an email to her gymnastics coach that she won't be there today" Zayn murmurs, leaning into Liam's chest, laughing lightly, "that's probably for the best, what's so funny?" Liam murmurs, Zayn laughs again, as Liam runs his fingers over his hip. "You're tickling me" Zayn laughs and Liam chuckles, changing from just running his fingers along Zayn's skin, to full on tickling the younger man's sides. Zayn jumps and starts trying to throw himself down on the ground to escape Liam's fingers, "Li, stop, please stop" Zayn laughs, but Liam shakes his head. "I don't think I will, unless..." Liam starts trailing off as he continues to attack Zayn, "unless what?" Zayn asks breathlessly, still trying to escape Liam's fingers, "say you love me" Liam smirks "I love you Li, I really love you" Zayn pleads. Liam smirks, "now say, you'll come on a date with me tonight and not ask any questions" he insists, digging his fingers in a little more. Zayn yelps, but nods quickly, "alright, I'll come on a date with you tonight" he gasps, as Liam stops his assault. "Can I ask one question about the date?" Zayn asks as Liam retracts his hands, Liam arches an eyebrow at him but nods, "what about Bella?" Zayn asks. Liam chuckles "my mum is going to come here and watch her. Now no more questions" he answers, and swats Zayn's bum playfully. Zayn huffs, but nods and turns back towards his pancakes, just as Bella comes into the room.

"Baba, Daddy too loud" Bella pouts, reaching to be picked up as soon as she's close enough to the two men, Liam coos and scoops her into his arms, "Sorry, Princess. But did you have a good sleep?" he asks, pressing a noisy kiss to her cheek. Arabella wrinkles her nose at him but nods, resting her head on Liam's shoulder "what Baba doing?" she asks, Zayn grins turning around, "I'm making pancakes, why don't you and Daddy go watch your shows for a few minutes until they're done?" he asks. Bella appears to be thinking about it before she points to the living room, "watch Dora Daddy" she cheers and Liam chuckles, leaning in to kiss Zayn's cheek before carrying Bella to the living room and depositing her on the couch as he turns the TV on, to find Dora. Liam ends up having to find Dora on Netflix, before landing on the couch beside Bella to wait for breakfast, she curls into his side, and he smiles at her before gently carding a hand through her hair, "we should change your pull-up" Liam hums. Bella glares at him "after Dora, Daddy, not wet" she pouts, Liam arches an eyebrow at her before nodding, "okay" he concedes before falling quiet as Bella shushes him to watch her show.

It's twenty minutes later when they're all sitting at the table eating breakfast, Bella completely absorbed into her plate, and getting sticky syrup all over her face, when Liam asks Zayn what's been on his mind since they learned from Doniya a week ago that they were having a baby. "Zayn?" he asks, waiting as the younger finishes chewing to continue, "when are we going to tell everyone about, you know Doniya?" Liam asks quietly. Zayn sips his coffee and eyes Liam over the mug, "we can tell everyone, whenever you're ready to. I think we should tell this little monster first though" Zayn answers, setting his mug down and gesturing across the table to Bella. Liam chuckles nodding his head, as he takes a bite of his breakfast, eyes moving to Bella where she is definitely covered in syrup, she's going to need a bath, potentially a hose after breakfast to clean her up. "Why don't we tell her after breakfast then, and we can maybe tell my mum this afternoon when she comes?" Liam asks hopefully. Zayn chuckles, reaching around and resting a hand on Liam's arm "if that's what you want to do, just means we'll have to go tell my parents in the next couple days though, or my mum might kill us both" Zayn murmurs, before both men slip back into a comfortable silence to finish their breakfast.

"I'll clean Bella up, you call your mum, see if she wants to come over tomorrow maybe" Liam offers, once breakfast is done, Zayn bites his lip, eyeing the sticky three year old, "you sure?" he asks. Liam laughs nodding, "yeah. And once she's clean and dressed maybe we can tell her about, you know" he murmurs, leaning in close to kiss Zayn briefly. Zayn bites his lip when they pull apart and Liam smirks as he nods, "sure, Li" Zayn whispers, before turning to Bella, "you be good for Daddy, get all clean, okay" he instructs and she giggles, reaching out with sticky fingers for Zayn who expertly dodges her, "okay Baba" she giggles, reaching for him again. Liam laughs as Zayn ducks, but catches her wrist gently in his hand and presses a kiss to Bella's palm, "let's go Daddy" Bella instructs satisfied, and Liam carries her away towards the bathroom, setting her down on the toilet seat to start running a bath. Liam checks to make sure the temperature is right before turning to the waiting toddler, which bubbles, Princess?" he asks and Bella cocks her head to the side in thought, "Elsa bubbles, Daddy" she decides and Liam nods, dumping some of the strawberry scented bubbles into the water. Liam tosses in a couple of mermaids for Bella to play with, before turning off the taps and turning to help her out of her pyjamas and into the bathtub. Bella's pull up Liam notes, is still dry like she had insisted and he makes a note to talk to Zayn about maybe trying to potty train her again. He knows Zayn's tried several times with no success, but maybe especially after she hears about the baby, now might be the time to try again.

A/N: Here you go an update...that didn't take an entire month. 
I love fluffy Liam and Bella moments, they make me happy even though I write them. 

Sorry had to, let me know what you think as always I love to hear it...
...also I know a few of you want there to be'll have to wait and see...but let me know your thoughts on that too.

Also I finally booked my second tattoo, and I'm pretty excited for it, I go next Tuesday. I'm getting a Semicolon on my ankle. I've wanted it done forever and it means a lot to yeah. 
Anyways until next time 

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