Chapter Seventy Three

Start from the beginning

Zayn's head is still spinning when he pulls into the parking lot of his and Liam's apartment building, Bella's singing to him from her seat in the back, and he smiles lightly as he turns off the car and moves to open her door for her. "Stay right here" he instructs, placing her small hand on her door once he's closed it, she giggles but stays put as he pulls both his and her stuff out of his passenger seat, before turning back to Bella, who just reaches to be picked up. Zayn sighs, shifting everything around and scooping Bella into his arms. Zayn doesn't expect to hear voices when he enters the apartment, so he's surprised when he hears not only Liam talking but his older sister as well, while the radio hums quietly in the background. Once he's kicked off his shoes, and pulled Bella's off as well, he releases her and she rushes off to find Liam, Zayn follows behind her, entering the kitchen just in time to see her throw herself at Liam , and him catch her and cuddle her close. Zayn waves to both Doniya and Liam before he turns and leaves the kitchen to go get changed, he can hear footsteps behind him and knows it's Liam without turning around. 

"Everything okay?" Liam asks as they enter the bedroom and Zayn just sighs, shaking his head, "not really" he mumbles, dropping backwards against the mattress. Liam frowns and moves to sit beside him, "want to talk about it?" he asks, Zayn sighs, sitting up again, "apparently Sadie knows at least one of my coworkers, and he came to me this afternoon, to tell me she's not finished with us yet" he explains, watching Liam's face carefully as he does. Liam frowns, and reaches over for Zayn's hand, and Zayn's glad for the warmth as he tangles their fingers together, "okay" Liam hums, "it's not like she can get near either of us, not without breaking the restraining order" he adds and Zayn nods, because this is all that he's been thinking about. "I think she's trying to scare you, she's mad because you're becoming successful and getting everything you've always wanted" Liam explains carefully. Zayn nods, because he knows this, he really does, but it doesn't change the fact that it's all making his life difficult, having only one person talk to him at work isn't exactly fun, as much as he hated the pizza place, at least he was friends with everyone there.

Liam pulls him to his feet after a minute, "I ordered pizza, 'cause it's Friday and why not, and Doniya has something to tell us" Liam says tugging on Zayn's arm, "do you think it's about a baby?" Zayn asks, his eyes wide and hopeful. Liam shrugs, "it has been six weeks since the treatment, I feel like it could be, but just remember Zee, sometimes these things take a couple tries alright?" he murmurs. Zayn nods and lets himself be lead from their bedroom back to the kitchen where Doniya and Bella are sitting eating pizza, "hey Little Brother" Doniya calls, before taking another bite. "I hope you don't mind, but the pizza arrived while you two were in the other room, so I took money from your wallet Liam, to pay for it" she adds. Liam laughs shaking his head, "no that's fine" he chuckles moving away from Zayn to get them both some pizza. Once they're both sitting Zayn leans closer to Liam, "I didn't even change when we were in the bedroom" he grumbles and Liam laughs, "after dinner babe" he teases.

They finish the pizza rather quickly, the conversations staying light, Zayn excuses himself after he's done, moving quickly to his and Liam's bedroom, he swaps his work clothes for a pair of sweatpants and one of Liam's hoodies, before moving back to the kitchen to see just his sister sitting there. "Everything okay Zayn?" Doniya asks and Zayn nods, dropping back into his seat beside her, "yeah, it will be" he mumbles. "Where did Liam and Arabella go?" Zayn asks curiously, just as he hears the TV come on in the other room, Doniya gestures towards the sound, "Liam took her to put on a movie so we can talk" she answers and Zayn nods. Liam comes back into the room then, "and she's all set, does anybody want tea?" he asks, Zayn shakes his head no, but Doniya nods, "that would be lovely Liam" she murmurs, and Liam nods flicking the kettle on. Zayn takes a minute to just watch Liam, he's never not in awe of his fiancé and his easy nature and incredible physique, "Zee you're staring" Doniya whispers, snapping Zayn's focus away from where Liam's arms are practically ripping the sleeves of his t-shirt. "I can't help it, look at him" Zayn groans and Doniya laughs lightly, just as Liam sets a cup in front of Doniya, "I don't know how you like it, so the tea bag is still in there, and here's the sugar and milk" Liam explains setting the items down. Doniya smiles, "thanks, this is great" she murmurs, as Liam sits back down with his own mug.

Zayn chews his lip as he watches his sister sip her tea "okay, not to rush anything, but you have something to tell us Dee?" he asks hopefully. Doniya laughs, setting her cup down as she nods, "yeah, I had an appointment earlier today, and I wanted to come tell you guys how it went" she answers. "How did it go? Is everything alright?" Liam asks quietly. Doniya grins, nodding her head, "everything is fine, better than fine actually" she smirks. Zayn rolls his eyes, "please just tell us already" he groans and Doniya laughs at him, "alright, alright. You two better get ready because there's about to be another little member of this family. Congratulations guys I'm pregnant" Doniya exclaims. Zayn's eyes widen in shock, it worked and he and Liam are getting another baby, he didn't honestly believe it would happen the first time. "Doniya that's amazing" Liam crows, jumping up from beside Zayn to pull Doniya into a hug, "thank you for this" he adds and Doniya waves him away, "it's honestly fine, I'm happy to do this for you guys, but Liam? I think I broke Zayn" she laughs. Zayn watches unable to move as Liam releases Doniya and moves to pull him into his arms, "Zee?" he asks curiously, "we're having a baby Li" Zayn whispers, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. "Yeah, Babe. We are" Liam coos, leaning in to kiss him fiercely, when he pulls away Zayn's out of breath but he scrambles forward to hug his sister "thank you for this" he murmurs into her neck as he hugs her tightly, "do you need anything, are you feeling okay?" Zayn worries biting his lip, and pulling back to look at her. Doniya just laughs, wiping a few tears off Zayn's face, "no I'm fine right now" she answers. Zayn nods, looking across to Liam, "Liam" he croaks and Liam laughs before coming over to hug them both. "Let us know if and when there's anything you need" Liam instructs and Doniya laughs, nodding her head "of course" she answers before Zayn pulls both her and Liam into another hug.

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