Chapter 17 ~ "You sit on a throne of lies."

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"What?" Randy screeched, her pale face turning bright red. "But what was with the hand holding? Oh my god, did you not see the way he was looking at you? It was so cute, how could you say you're not dating?"

My face blanked as she began cooing about how cute we looked together. I almost missed her throw-things-at-people-in-a-fit-of-rage mood as opposed to this torture. "Randy, shut the fuck up."

"What?" she asked innocently. "I'm only being truthful."

I rolled my eyes. "Here's the deal: Luke keeps getting confessions from all these random girls, you know? I guess he just got tired of them all, so when I caught him and this chick, he told her that I was his girlfriend so that she would leave him alone."

"And she told everyone else that you two were dating," Randy finished. For some reason, she seemed sort of put out, like she'd expected to yell at me a lot longer. Call me crazy, but she seemed like she wanted to call me out some more.


"That sucks," she suddenly said sullenly, crossing her arms in a huff.

I blinked in shock. "Eh...what sucks?"

"I totally thought that you guys were going out!"

"What the fuck, Randy! I thought you were pissed about that! What is wrong with you?"

"I never said that I'm pissed that you guys were going out, I was pissed that you didn't tell me," she stated matter-of-factly, as though I was the one being an idiot. 

"Are you seriously still pissed?"

"Well, not what you're thinking!" Her eyes twinkled deviously as though she was thinking something that I really wouldn't like, but I had to check. Randy was a cheeky brat, who knew what the shit that was floating around her brain was.

I narrowed my eyes at her and pushed off of the wall I was leaning against. "Then what exactly, Miranda?" I demanded lowly, firmly.

She winked at me. "Now I'm mad not because you guys didn't tell me, but because it's not actually true."

I stared at her blankly for probably one straight minute, trying to add up in my mind that my best friend wanted me to be dating the guy she thought I hated. How strange was that? "Are you pulling my leg?" I asked incredulously.

Randy let out an obnoxious laugh and slung her arm around my shoulder. "Would I ever lie to you, darling?" 

That ridiculous smile on her face was beginning to freak me out, to be honest. "I really think that you would."

She laughed again. "You have no trust in me! Oh Danny, can you really not see the chemistry between you and Luke? Even though you're not going out, you seem like you are!"

I pushed her off of me and scowled. "You sit on a throne of lines," I stated. "We do not." Did we?

"Denial!" she sang, poking my sides.

"Oh Lord, Randy, do you ever shut up?"

"You just don't want to admit it - oh my, are you blushing? Doth my eyes deceive me?" She gasped loudly and pressed her hands to my rapidly heating face.

My scowl deepened as I struggled to push down the pink colour in my cheeks. "Cometh any closer and I will pummel you," I warned, slapping her hands away.

"Oh Danny!" she trilled. "Do you have a little...crush on Luke, the boy you claimed to hate?"

I frowned and leant back against the wall. "I never told you that I hated him," I reminded her, barely dodging her dangerous question.

"Fine," Randy amended, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly. "You barely tolerated him."

"And that's still the case," I inserted stonily. There was no way I'd act like a giggling schoolgirl in front of Luke, no matter how he made me feel. I barely reacted around him, I made sure of that. I couldn't have anybody getting ideas and losing their respect for me. 

She smiled brightly at me. "Danny, you are such a simpleton."

"And you're a bitch," I retorted immediately.

She didn't even bat an eyelash. "You like Luke," she stated, not even making it into a question.

My eyes widened at her blatant proclamation. How could she tell when I worked so hard to hide it? "No," I replied, cursing myself when I responded too quickly, sounding like a guilty man.

"You sit on a throne of lies."

"Don't use my own thing against me!"

"Well, stop lying, then."

"I am not-"

"Shut up, Danny."

I glared at her strangely triumphant face. Why was she so excited? "You know what? Fine, fine. I'm falling for Luke. Are you happy?"

She didn't even seem surprised by my outburst. She just smirked like the evil gremlin she was. "Very happy. This is going to be fun."

Such a bitch.


Ugh this chapter is so bad but I felt so bad because it's been a while since I updated. I'm sorry there isn't much Luke in this chapter, but no worries! he'll come up soon :)

To Break Her HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora