Chapter 10: God's Will

Start from the beginning

"Darkness has fallen upon the land.

The blood of the dragons will revive once again. . .

And the ancient pact will be kept.

When the four dragons are gathered. . .

The sword and shield which will protect the king shall awaken. . .

And the red dragon shall restore the dawn at last."

.........All that and we get a toppled overm Ik-su talking about how conveying the voice of God takes a lot out of him.

"This thing about dragons and god," we glanced towards Hak to see him glaring suspiciously at Ik-su, "I don't understand it at all. I'm not buying anything this crackpot," I hit him over the head which caused him to slightly curse then finish with, "is selling. Ow, Midori."

Yoon was annoyed, "He's not selling anything."

Yona, deciding to ignore Hak, spoke up, "Would the prophecy be referring to the red dragon which appears in the legend of the King?"

"That would make sense," I said adding in my two-sense.

Ik-su looked surprised, "You know of the creation myth?"

"Hai," Yona said. She then proceeded to tell the legend. I, of course, have already heard this before, so it wasn't really anything I tuned into. When I did tune in, Yona spoke up again, "But what does the creation myth have to do with me?"

"Yona-hime," we looked at the sitting priest, "you said you wanted to live, right?" Yona nodded. "But you can't live alone. If you leave, those who are after your life will pursue you again. The person who is by your side and protecting you is Hak."

"Oi!" I said catching their attention, "I'm here to!"

Ik-us looked at me and gave me a soft smile, "You're a different case."


Ik-su turned back to Yona, "At this rate, Hak will die."

Mine and Yona's eyes widened in fear, but Hak was quick to interject, "Now, just wait a minute. Don't just kill me off as you please. I didn't hear the voice of God say tha–" Yoon barely tapped Hak on the side causing a tremor of pain to flow through my idiotic brother. He's hard-headed, so he mustered up the strength to say, "I'm not giving you any alms, no matter how you threaten me."

Ik-su used Hak's pain to prove a point, "See? It's very dangerous for you right now. You'll need other comrades."

I bit my lip trying to figure out who the priest was talking about, but Yona went a more direct route to finding the answer, "But who?"

"Go search for the other four dragon warriors."

Other. . . ?

Something else was in Yona's mind besides Ik-su's word choice, "You mean the four dragon warriors exist?"

Hak gave a defiant, "That's impossible, they're only a legend." Something inside me hurt hearing those words from my brother.

"They do exist," And now the heaviness that was upon my heart was lifted. Weird, "Even now they are in this country, silently waiting living with the inherited blood of the dragons."

Yona and I were looking towards the priest, but I was focused on the pounding that I faced when I first fell down here. Didn't that voice say something about the dragons? What does that have to do with me?

"Midori?" Yona softly whispered with worry.

"I'm fine," I whispered back, "Just a little tired, I think."

Yona nodded and Ik-su continued, "They may lend you their powers."

"Lord priest," Yona started off hesitantly, "I don't want Hak to die, but would the dragons of legend lend their power for such a personal reason?"

"It's a miracle you narrowly escaped with your life that night," I bit my lip as I replayed the memory of Min-soo's sacrifice. "It's a miracle you were able to escape the castle," another stab in my heart for Min-soo. "It's a miracle you fell from these cliffs and are safe and sound. I don't think it was a miracle you found your way here, but fate. . . that lead you here." I walked over and placed my hand around Yona's shoulders, "If you find the dragons of legend, it won't be due to your personal reasons but due to fate. However, the Heavens can only show you the path to take, you must be the one to decide to walk it."

Ik-us slumped again, "I've talked a lot."

Yoon got irritated, "You talk to much with God, old man!"


We were back at the house. By 'we' I mean Ik-su, Yoon and I. Hak and Yona were somewhere in the surrounding wood and Yoon was asleep.

I bit my lip, it's becoming a nervous habit, "Ik-su?"


"What did you mean by 'other' four dragons? There are only four, aren't there?"

Ik-su gave me a serious look, "Are you sure you want to know?"

I'm soooooooo tired! Summer has started, but June's pretty much booked for me. I'll try to update as much as I can, but no promises.

How do you like the story? I'm kinda mean ending the chapter there. Maybe I'll get the next one up soon.

Oh well.

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