Chapter 1: Flash Back

Start from the beginning

I cocked an eyebrow. "Would you date me?"

She met my eyes. "What did you think this was?"

"This is a date?" I laughed. "I just met you."

"And you haven't stopped staring at my breasts, baby. That's a date in my book." She bounced sideways on her seat, and then squeezed her breasts together. "Do you like them? They're new."

I gulped. "They're. . . fine."

She pulled on her white blazer, giving herself a satisfactory grin. "Cost my husband a bomb, they did. But the men don't complain." She winked at me and then arose from her seat.

I swirled on my stool, sipping from my gin, watching as she strolled over to a man in a business suit, she collapsed next to him and put her arm around his shoulder, almost blinding him by her breasts.

He became interested almost immediately, and disconnected his phone call to give a mutual response. They spoke for a few moments, and then her lips went down to his, and she kept her eyes on me as she kissed the stranger vigorously. I stared at them over my glass, and as I took the very last sip, I arose from my seat and approached a brunette stranger sitting alone in the corner. If she could do it, why couldn't I?

"May I join you?" I asked her.

Her brown eyes brightened. "I'm waiting for my husband."

"Even better." I said.

I slipped down, and pulled her head to me, forcing her lips to mine. I met Diana's amused eyes from across the room, and then the woman smacked me across the cheek.

"Jerk!" She cursed.

She got up from the seat and stormed away from me, exiting through a far door, but the steam from her ears could still be seen.

Diana laughed so hard that everyone in there looked at her, she rolled over laughing, and then crawled over to me, with her lungs on fire, placing a hand on my face.

"My poor baby," she whispered, still laughing. "Does that hurt?"

"Yes, that hurt!" I squirmed, rubbing my cheek tenderly. "Why is it always me that gets hit?"

She gave me a small smile. "I'm just irresistible." 

I pushed my hands behind her back and I pulled her into my body. "Damn right you are." I kissed her strongly and she responded by wrapping a leg around my waist, prompting me to pick her up and carry her over to an empty, long couch -- completely forgetting where we were. I pushed my hand up her skirt against her underwear and she gave out a large moan as I kissed her neck.

"Oi, you two!" We looked over to see a man in a suit storming over to us. "You can't do that here!"

I took my hand out from under her skirt and we looked into each other's eyes and laughed out. I pulled her up and we ran for the door, laughing and bumping into almost every object we passed.

She yanked the wig from her head and threw it out into the hot air, taking out her tight bun that let her familiar dark curls fall down her back.

"There's my Lily," I said, running beside her to our car. "Diana was a right nutcase."

"Diana was awesome!" She responded back in her regular accent. "You were so into her."

"Fake breasts?" I raised an eyebrow as we dashed into our car. "You do know, that would have been a better story line, if in fact, you had fake breasts."

"Oh shut up, spoilt sport," she said. "Your imagination is a joke."

I turned the engine on and pulled us out of the hotel parking lot, and I took her soft hand in mine. "Next hotel?"

She looked to the backseat which was covered in wigs of all sizes and colors. "Two blocks away," she said with a 'he he' laugh. "I better ring my Mum to make sure the kids are okay."

I stared at her, and she stared back.

"What?" she said, like it was obvious.

"I just. . . love you." 

"Oh." She sighed, giving me a disappointed, sarcastic frown. "I thought it was going to be something epic."

Despite her grotesque personality, I could sense in that moment that my declaration had caught her off guard. I noticed how her lips curled at the edges just slightly and her pale cheeks flushed with a stroke of red. She attempted to hide that from me, turning her face away to balance the emotion that was over-whelming her. It wasn't the first time I said the words, but it had been a while since she had heard them. 

And that was one of my only regrets. I never told her enough. 

"Ring your mother." I said. 

She snapped out of her little moment and started dialing, pressing the phone to her ear, and kept her eyes on me as she did.

Staring into her eyes was a notion that came with a thousand unspoken words. I would have put my life to those eyes, my soul, my conscious, my reason for breathing.

"Think about your next character as we drive," she instructed. "Henry was boring."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And stop kissing the really attractive ones. Unless you have a death wi. . . hi Mum."

I winked at her and she rolled her eyes, braving a smile at me.

Just that moment. Just that look. That smile.

It was everything. 

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