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Royal duties are everything but fun. I'm so tired of everything and not going to lie I don't think I can be a king like my father was. Yes, my father the king of Garrington died about a year ago and he was honestly my best friend and a good man. I am turning 25 and I am next in line to assume the throne but of course my mother is still queen in the mean time. Until I marry someone that lucky young lady will become queen and to my luck I already have a betrothed. Her name is Belle of the Southern Shores. I've never met her and today's the day that I'm going to meet her and not going to lie I am not excited. I'm dressed up in what consisted of what a royal should wear which for me was a horrible thing to bear. I loved black and I hated that I couldn't wear that but oh well what could I do. I stare at myself in the mirror as I put my crown on and thought to myself that this meeting will change my life forever. As I go to close the door of my closet something falls from the top shelf. I jump because it had startled me and as soon as I saw what it was it made me smile. My mom didn't like this but when I was small I had a thing for pirates and to just sail so my dad had bought me my own pirates sword. I know right a king buying his son a sword like that was weird but I guess he loved me way too much and wanted to see me happy. Although he loved it too. I've always wondered what my life would be like if I wasn't a prince and I was instead a part of a crew on one of those pirate's ships or a good and honest sailor. I bet it would be amazing to go on so many adventures but I don't know about the whole stealing thing. I shook my head of those ridiculous thoughts and made my way to the throne room where my mother was waiting for me. "Good morning Son" my mother said with a sweet smile on her face. I walk over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning." She pats me on the chest and smiles. "You look so handsome today, are you excited to meet Belle?" Of course I wasn't ready because I've never met her but I have to do my duty to my kingdom and marry her even if I didn't love her. Well who knows I might end falling in love with her and today was the first step towards that. "Sure" I said with a straight face. We continued to talk and that's when the Royal announcer walks into the room and presents them. I started to get nervous and I was trying to find any possible way to ease up those nerves. "Presenting King Maurice and Princess Belle of the Southern Shores." They both walked in and bowed in front of us. "Welcome Mo" my mom said and gave him a big hug. Belle and I just stood there confused and in shock. Like me Belle had also lost a parent, she lost her mother like I lost my father. "Oh kids don't look at us like that, Mo and I were very good friends back in the day weren't we Mo?" I gave my mom a weird look and felt a little uncomfortable. "That's right Helena" says Maurice with a reassuring smile. I walked up to Belle and gave her a soft smile. "Good morning princess." I looked at her closely and my is she beautiful. I was just mesmerized by her gorgeous blue eyes and her dark brown hair that only made her eyes pop out more. Her skin is white as snow and her lips were pink as can be. I just thought to myself maybe it will work out between us. She smiled super big. "Its a pleasure to meet you prince Killian." I shook my head and laughed. "Please call me Killian." She smiled and blushed. "Would you care to walk across the courtyard with me" I asked extending out my hand. She smiled and took hold of my hand. I looked back at my mom and she was just smiling like crazy. As we were walking to the courtyard we were both quiet it was honestly awkward. We get to the courtyard and we sit down. I noticed she was nervous. "You ok?" She turns to look at me and sighs. "Yeah it's just crazy you know how we are engaged already." I nod. "It's not how I imagined but..." I look at her and sigh. She stays quiet and I couldn't help but feel guilty that I made her feel bad. "Oh my gosh it's not what I mean" I say trying to fix what I just said to her a moment ago. She laughed. "No I get what you mean, this is not how I pictured my life to go but hey if it's for our kingdoms then it's worth it right?" I smiled at her and nodded. We continued to talk but things still felt awfully awkward. No matter what I would say she was just too tense and I mean I couldn't blame her I was a stranger as she was to me. We walked back to the throne room and that's when my mom escorted them to their guest rooms. I walked back to my room and I was just staring out the window and my mind was just wandering. The castle is close to the shore so I had the sea so close and every time I would see it, I would get mesmerized by it. I see numerous ships there and the thought of leaving everything and joining a crew crossed my mind once again. I kept analyzing how my life would be like alongside Belle and I don't think I will be happy. I mean don't get me wrong she is beautiful and breath taking but I have always put everything before my needs and today I am going to take matters into my hands and pick a life I want. I went and changed into my most normal attire which consisted of brown pants with a black long sleeve shirt with a brown vest and of course a black cloak so no one could recognize me. I grabbed two bags of gold coins and hid them inside my cloak. I wrote a letter and left it on my bed. I took a deep breath and said to myself that I can do this. As I was opening the door Robin walks in. Robin is my best friend and we've known each other since we were little kids, so he knows me well enough to know when I'm about to do something drastic. He gives me a weird look and gasps. "What the hell are you wearing?" I run over to him and cover his mouth. "Quiet." I pulled him inside and closed the door. "Don't tell me you're going to escape?" I look away and sigh. "Yes I am." "Why is your fiancée ugly or mean?" I shake my head and smile. "No she's wonderful and very beautiful but I don't want this life Robin, I don't want to be a king. I can't be like my father, he was amazing and you know that I have always wanted to be free and not be confined within the castle walls." Robin sighs. "Well the least I can do is go with you bro, so I can take care of you so you won't get killed, you are my best friend after all." I smiled. "You don't have to come." He shook his head and smiled. "Come on let's get you out of here." I patted him on the back and smiled. "Thanks bro." He nodded. I opened the door and made sure there were no knights around. Robin and I walked down the stairs and made our way to the castle entrance and that's when my mom calls us out. Robin and I stood there frozen. "Where are you two going?" I look at Robin and I could see that he was starting to panic. I turn around and chuckle. "We are just going into town we will back in a few hours." She smiles and nods. "Then take Claude with you." I look at Claude and I started to panic. "No mom Robin and I have to get something special for his mom and we want to keep it secret that's why I'm hiding under this cloak so they won't notice us and if Claude is with us then it will ruin the surprise." She gives me a weird look and then nods. "Very well then go and have fun." I nod and as I was looking at her. I was trying to remember every feature of her face because I didn't know when I was going to see her again. Robin and I walked out of the castle walls and went into the town. As we were walking Robin sighs in relief.  "Well that was a close one." I nod. "So my fine prince what's your next move?" I look around and started to think. "Let's go to the tavern and see if there's a ship who's crew we can join so they can take us away from the kingdom." He nods. We walk into the tavern and we are seated by the window. Robin and I are served a glass of Rum. "It's so weird in here" says Robin as he looks around the tavern. "What Robin you scared" I say with a smirk as I take a sip of the rum. "Oh my gosh, that's strong" I say as I was trying to wrap my head around what I had just drank. A woman approaches Robin and starts to flirt with him. "So what are two fine men doing here?" I try to hide my face and Robin looks at her and smiles. "Well miss do you happen to know of anyone who might be sailing out of this wretched kingdom?" She smiles as she sits on Robin's lap. I couldn't help but laugh. "You see my green eyed chisel chin, there are many a ships that sail away from here but today may just be your lucky day." "And why is that" I ask with a stern face. She looks at me and smiles. "You see there's a much feared captain that has just set port this morning and if you want to leave I suggest you go and ask to be part of their crew." I smile and nod. "So where is he?" She laughs super loud. "He?" Robin and I gave each other a weird look. She gets up from Robin's lap and grabs the tray and points to a woman. "That woman over there sitting by herself is the captain." We started to laugh. "Oh no you shouldn't laugh she is the most feared pirate that has sailed these seas." "Is that so" says Robin in a flirtatious tone. She smiles. "Because her rage and desire for revenge are driven by one of the worst pains of all." "Which is" I ask looking at the woman. "A broken heart." We laughed. "Well it seems that you both haven't had your hearts broken before, let me tell you it's not pretty." We stayed quiet. "If you want to leave town she's your ticket out of here" she says and walks away. Robin looks at me and laughs. "All you buddy." I scoffed. "Fine I'll go talk to her and see if we can sail off with her." He nods.

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