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Rose was her normal happy self. Dean was so happy to be with her and Sam was jealous every now and then but he was happy for them. They went on hunts here and there, did the normal thing. Well, normal for them. They were happy. And that was new for Rose and Dean. Sam had found his happiness with Jess. He knew what happened was like. Rose was constantly under the stress of being Satan's spawn and Dean doesn't remember what happy feels like. All that was taken away when he was 4. Even Castiel was happy. His sister was happy and the Winchesters were safe and happy so he was too. As for Lucifer, well, he knew that with Rose being able to not kill Chuck and the Winchesters being able to stop her as well, be didn't stand a chance. He left them alone. He resorted to living in a nice house in the country and grew a rose garden. Even Gabriel went around doing random pranks on douches. Everybody was, in their own ways, happy. And that's how they all stayed. And even though none of them believed in happily ever afters, they all lived, happily ever after.

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