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Rose kept Crowley alive for the time being. For now she had other prisoners to deal with. The one upcoming is a woman with long brown hair and a sharp jaw. She's smiling slightly.

"What's funny?" Rose demands

"I'm not going to die here." Her voice is smooth despite the cuts and scars she has

"I wouldn't be so sure."

"You won't kill me because you can use me." She says

"How so?"

"I am a Nephilim. Not angel enough to be weakened by wards not human enough to die from anything but an angel blade. Plus I'm a kickass spy and guard."

"I don't need a guard."

"But your boys do."

"Alright. You can stay. For now."

"Thank you Majesty." The woman bows to Rose who nods in approval

"Next" Rose calls for the next prisoner


"But what if she turns out to be worse than Crowley?" Sam says

"And did you see the black feathers?" Dean asks

"But what can we do?" Cas says

"We have to talk to her." Dean says

"And if she won't listen?" Cas ventures

"She will" Dean argues

"But if she doesn't?"


"Condemned to death for attempting to kill Crowley, ex ruler of Hell. Any questions?" Rose asks the surrounding demons.

"Why? Crowley is no longer king and is hated among the demons." Asks the one being charged

"1.) Crows is not hated by demons you only say that to get on my good side. Newsflash I don't have one. 2.) Because I said so."

The demon is executed without another word.

"Next" Rose calls for the umpteenth time that day

In comes the boys along with Cas. Dean smiles awkwardly while Sam seems angry and Cas is straight faced as usual.

"Evening boys. What can I do you for?" Rose asks with a smile. She's happy to see her boyfriend and brother.

Sam crosses his arms. Definitely not happy.

"You need to give Hell back to Crowley." He says


"Ruling Hell is not for kind people. We're afraid you won't be the same when you do eventually come home."

"Well what can I say? Ruling Hell has to be done by someone with a conscience. Which Crows obviously doesn't have. Besides I am part demon so I can do this. And part angel to keep me good." Rose argues but not yelling

"Lucifer is an angel. He's not even remotely good."

"Still my dad you're talking about."

"Whatever. Give Crowley back his Hell." Sam says

"Its my Hell now" she says getting angry

"Give it up. Come back home."

Dean nudges Sam's arm when he notices Roses wings turning into hell's red.

"I have something here. I fought to get this. I'm going to fight to keep it. I'm not giving it up just like that. Just because you ask me to." She's standing now

"Okay. Just do us a favor and stay good. Don't forget who you fight for." Dean says

Her wings waver in color just slightly but remain red. She slumps back in her chair.


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