Chapter 2

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The first thing we did was go to the bunker. The place was massive. The first thing you see when you walk in is a library absolutely bursting with the knowledge of things that live in the dark. Deans car was beautiful too. I followed it in my red pick-up. It wasn't a far drive since I was already in Kansas.

The boys showed me around and gave me a room next to the kitchen. I didn't bother unpacking I wanted to explore. I followed the hallways and mapped it all out in my head. I found a dungeon but decided against going in in case someone was residing inside. I did find a garage filled with old cars. I make my way back to the library. Sam and Dean are sitting at a table and talking about a possible hunt.

"Hiya guys. What are you doing?" I ask

"Looking for a hunt. We got bored and you took the last one yourself. I think I found a vamps nest. Wanna come or are you tired?" Sam says

"Hell yes I'm coming. Lemme grab my keys." I dash to my room

The boys chuckle at my enthusiasm. I quickly throw together some cloths and grab my keys. I'm bouncing on my feet while I wait for the guys to get ready. Dean comes out first.

"Is it just me or are you a little excited?"

"Just you. Whens Sam gonna be ready?"

"Whenever he's done with his hair." Dean smirks

"Hey! I don't do my hair." Sam says

"Whatever. Let's go.... Do not hit my car because you're excited okay?" Dean says seriously

I nod quickly and follow them out. It takes a couple hours and when we get there is midday. We decided to rest scince the vamps won't be out during the day. The guys pretty much pass out once they hit their beds. I decide to do a little research since I'm not tired. I put on my fed suit and grab my gun before heading to the police station.

"This is too clean. We don't even have any suspects." The sheriff tells me.

"Okay. Just one more question then. Is there a party group in town? Like a group of people who are always up real late and are real loud?"

"Yea actually. But they're just kids. But them and their parents is clean." He says

I nod and leave quickly. I head to the most popular bar in town. It's mostly got older guys but there's a group of middle-aged people in the corner. I don't want to make a scene by walking in and right back out so I move to the counter.

"How can I help you?" A woman asks

"Yea I'm looking for the late group." I flash my fake badge

"That's them over there." She points to the corner

"Thanks." I move to the table.

The group watches me move towards them and right before I get there my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer

"Where are you? Are you okay?"


"We found something."

"I'm on my way."

I walk outside and toward my truck. One of the members follows me out and watches me leave. It's a bit unnerving but he's harmless at the moment. I get to the room within 10 minutes.

"What did you get?" I ask as I enter

"We found the hideout." Sam says

"Good. I found the vamps."

"Okay. We leave tonight so if you want to now would be a good time to sleep."

"I'm good. You guys hungry?" I offer

Dean perks up and Sam practically rolls his eyes.

"I'll come with you." Dean says

I laugh at his enthusiasm for food and head back out. Dean and I take my truck and go to the nearest fast food. We go in and get the food and everything is fine until I follow Dean out the door and am stoped by the group member who watched me leave.

"I believe you were looking for me?" He smirks

"Yes I believe I was. Are we going now?" I ask

I hear Dean yell and take it as a yes. This is going to be fun. I roll my eyes as the vampire binds my hand and loads me next to Dean in my pickup.

"Hey buddy." I whisper sarcastically

"Sams gonna be pissed" Dean says back

"Any reason in particular?"

"I dropped his salad."

I giggle despite the situation. Dean is pretty funny when things are bad. It's a good quality. Bit annoying though. We're taken to a run down barn that, all in all, we really shouldn't be around. Monsters or not.

I'm Sat in between to currently decomposing bodies while Dean is hung off a meat hook by his still tied hands.

"That's just lovely." I say as the stench hits my nose

"Sorry for the mess darling. We weren't expecting anyone important." Says what I assume is the leader.

"Oh it's no problem. I wasn't expecting to visit anyone."

The leader vamp is tall has a sharp face and short black hair. He would be hot if he weren't a monster. He leans down so he's level with me. I stare him in the eye and he stares right back.

Eventually he backs away from me go examine Dean. He dismisses him and turns back to me.

"You know I really don't taste good."

"Oh don't worry darling we aren't gonna eat you." He smirks

"Shit." I realize

"Shit" den echos

The leader bends down to me and holds my face in his massive hand so I can't move away. I struggle anyway. He sinks his fangs into my neck and I screech in pain. However he quickly let's go and backs up. He's spitting out my blood and gagging. I'm losing blood but not horribly as he didn't rip my throat out. I smile weakly and manage a smug laugh.

I move my hands up to my neck and hold it to slow the bleeding. Dean is struggling against his ropes. He bounces on the hook and it rips off the wall. He uses the hook to cut his ropes off and rushes towards me. Sam barges in and killed 3 of the vamps immediately. Dean tries to help me but I push him away and stand up. I wobble slightly but regain my balance and move around to help Sam with the rest of the monsters.

When we finally kill them all I let Sam fix my neck. It isn't bad but I don't get it patched up I'll slowly bleed to death.

"What was that?" Dean demands

"Dead man's blood."

"That was it?"


He leaves me alone after that and we go back to the motel room for the night. Tomorrow we go back to the bunker.

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