Chapter 3

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I am having a troubling week. I have a huge secret which only my dad and I know about and if the boys found out.... Well any number of things might happen. First was the vamp nest then something to do with the dungeon and now they want to talk to Crowley. This wouldn't have been a problem if Crowley and I hadn't met. We're kind of like... Best friends. That is untill I accidentally killed his dog. Hellhound. I didn't mean to but now he's probably pissed and willing to tell the Winchesters my secret.

"Do we really need to summon Crowley though? I mean there's gotta be another way to find... What are we looking for?" I ask

"Yes. And we're looking for Lucifer. He's gotten out of the cage somehow." Dean says

I sigh. This can't end well.

"Hello boys."

He seems shocked when he sees me and is about to say something when I press a finger to my lips.

"We need info on Lucifer."

"So why ask me when you have her?" He points to me

I facepalm.

"Ass." I say

"You killed my hound!"

"I said sorry! I really didn't mean to!"

"What the hell is going on right now?!" Dean yells

I facepalm again.

"This... Is really bad... I hate you..." I say

"No you don't." He says smugly

"I can't even."

"What the hell!" Sam yells

"She-" Crowley starts

"Don't you do it." I interrupt him


"Crowley I swear to god himself"

"Lucifers daughter."

"You mother fu-"

"What?" Sam says

"I'm getting you for this!" I yell at the king of hell. I vanish leaving Crowley with some explaining to do.

*3rd person*

"What the actual hell just happened?" Sam asks

"You've been hunting with the literal spawn of Satan himself" Crowley says

"And she didn't say anything." Dean says

"I wonder why. I mean, it's not like you 2 boneheads are famous for killing nonhuman things, or anything like that."

"He's got a point." Sam says

"We have to find her." Dean demands


"1.) She lied to us.
2.) She has info on Lucifer
3.) She's a monster"

"Fine. Where is she Crowley?"

"Try the bunker. She tends to be, sentimental." He dissapears

The boys start back to their home.

Crowley is there first.

*Rose POV*

I had gone back to the bunker to get my things. It wasn't much but it was mine. As I turn to leave my room Crowley is there.

"Hello darling." He says

"You sold me out Crows." I say. Crows is a nickname I came up with when he got some birds to use as scouts.

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