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"Guys watch this!" I yell as I enter the kitchen

They turn to watch me and I hold my hands palm up. A bright purple light swirls up out of my hand. Then a blue strand. Then some pink and a tiny bit of amber. It's really pretty.

"Wow." Sam breaths

"How?" Dean asks

"I think I can do it because my wings change colors too. Sometimes it's random but a lot of the time they change depending on my mood. You know like they're red if I'm angry or blue if I'm sad. But normally they're gold."

"Could you uh... Show us?" Sam asks

I beam at them happy to show off my wings. They appear right behind me as wings should. The boys gape at them still amazed at the brilliant gold. I spin around for them showing how gracefully they move.

"Anyway I just wanted to show you the magic lights." I exit the kitchen keeping my wings out. Dean follows slightly, just to the doorframe and watches me go.

"Dibs" Dean breaths

"No! Not fair! You can't call dibs on people!" Sam half yells half whispers

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