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Roses wings had turned a very dark blue. She was depressed. It wasn't usual for her. She's been living with the Winchesters for 9 months now and she knew they were getting close to finding Lucifer. She let's her wings show all the time when they're at the bunker. The boys like it. That's probably why she does it. And it feels good to get her wings out. Sam walks in and notices her wings drooping a little. She picks them up when he enters.

"Hey Rose are you feeling alright?"

"Fine I guess." She sighs

"What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to leave soon."

"Why?" Sam asks worried

"My dad is your enemy. He might make me stay away from you."

"Oh. That won't happen. You don't have to do everything he says." Sam tells

Rose's wings lighten to a brownish color.

"Thanks Sam."

"It's no problem."

Sam returns to the table and does his research. Rose wanders around the halls of the bunker until she runs into dean. Literally. She bounces right off him while he's as solid as a rock. As she's falling to the floor Dean grabs her around the waist.

"Careful." He smirks

"Thanks for saving me." He let's her go

Her wings are now back to their familiar gold shine.

"Careful you don't hit a wall next time."

Rose waves goodbye as Dean goes to help Sam. She wanders a little more until she sees Cas.

"Hey Cas. Wanna play hide an go seek?" She asks

"Sure. I'll count first." He agrees.

Castiel is basically a giant toddler and so he loves to play. Rose runs down the hall and into a room holding all sorts of weapons. She leans against the door listening for footsteps. Cas finds her soon anyway.

"You cheated! You tracked me!" Rose says

Cas looks at the floor guiltily.

"I'm sorry." He says

"Its okay Cas. I was just playing. But no more cheating!"

They play until dinner and by dinner does come around Roses wings are a bright yellow. She had a good day. The Winchesters smile to themselves seeing her so happy. This war has to end soon or both of them are going to go mad.

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