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They found him. Finally after 10 months they found Lucifer. He hasn't been killing like he normally does which made him hard to find. Its like he's hiding. But they found him. Rose was going with them along with Cas. She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she word protect the boys as much as she could. They were waiting for him to show up at the moment. He was supposed to be staying in this house. It was small and not very attractive though I suppose that was part of the cover.

Rose was pacing. She hasn't told her dad about working with the Winchesters. He was no doubt going to be angry. She hoped he didn't kill them. Castiel was playing with a small kitty out back and Sam and Dean were waiting near the door. True enough he stepped in the front door seeing Rose first.

"Surprise!?" She said

He immediately walked to her and hugged her. She pursed her lips and hugged back.

"Sorry." She whispers

He turns around to see the Winchesters. Rose walks around her dad and stands next to them. They can't see but she has one of her wings spread out in front of them as a shield.

"You're hunting with the Winchesters?" He yells

Rose flinches and stays silent

"You're so grounded" he says

Roses eyes widen as Lucifer snaps his fingers. Rose runs to the corner of the room and slides against the wall. She cries quietly.

"What did you do?" Dean demands

"She's grounded. I clipped her wings." He says smugly

Dean sends Rose a sympathetic glance and returns to Lucifer.

"What now boys? What's your plan?" He asks sounding bored.

"Send you back to hell. The usual." Dean says. He's angry.

Sam starts chanting a spell. Lucifer is confused with it. Until Castiel stabs him from behind. Rose sobs louder and Sam finishes the spell. Lucifer vanishes. The boys all move to Rose.

"Its okay we didn't kill him. He's just back in the cage." Sam says


"Are you alright? He didn't do anything except clip your wings?" Dean asks

"I don't think so."

"Come on. Let's go home." Cas says

The team moves to the car and back to the bunker. Rose goes to her room while the guys leave her alone.

"Did we do something wrong?" Cas asks

"We stopped the devil. It can't be that bad." Dean says

"Guys." Sam mutters as he moves after Rose.

He knocks on the door. Rose says a muffled enter. She has her face buried in her pillow and her wings are laying over her like a blanket. They're dark again. Sam closes the door behind him.

"Hey." He says softly

"Sam I hate him"

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't. He's your dad."

"I don't want to show my wings anymore. They're broken and ugly." They vanish

"Hey now, don't be like that. They're not ugly or broken. They're beautiful and powerful. They may not be as useful as they usually are but you can still use them." He sits on the bed next to her, causing her to roll over and face him due to the massive humans weight.

"You mean it? They feel ugly." She says

"Never ugly. Not even when your depressed. Always graceful and gorgeous." He smiles down at her.

She props herself up on her elbows. Her wings reappear and they shine gold.

"Thanks Sammy." She hugs him.

"It's no problem Rose. I'm only being honest." He says

Rose smiles again and sits up. Her wings move quickly but she can only hover for a few seconds before falling back to the floor.

She frowns for a moment but then sees Sam watching her and can't help but smile. She moves out of her room Sam close behind. She sees Dean in the library with a stack of different pies. She beams at him. He knows she loves pie just like him so it was no problem paying for them. He may have a small problem sharing though. Sam rolls his eyes knowing Dean won the round. But before Rose goes to the table she turns around, uses her wings to reach a couple inches higher, and kisses Sam on the cheek. He smiles proudly at Dean practically saying 'guess you're not as good as you thought' and heads to his own room. Dean glares daggers into his back but smiles sweetly when Rose walks to the table. He pushes a pecan pie to her. She know exactly what Dean would do for a pecan pie so she is as surprised as Cas is. She giggles and kisses his cheek too. Or would have if Dean hadn't turned around and kissed her on the mouth. She pulls back from shock a little but when he smiles at her she kisses him again. After that she returns to her pie. Dean goes towards the bedrooms. Probably about to brag to Sam how he's winning.

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