4: Weekend Getaway Disaster

Start from the beginning

"I'm already on my way." He says.

"Meet me at the back entrance of the school." Dad instructs me.

"Okay." I reply before hanging up. As I run to the back of the school, Scott catches me. Great, just what I need.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" He asks, concerned. I shift my weight onto my left foot, anxious to keep going.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that my dad needs me like, right now." I try to lie convincingly. To my dismay, my heart beat rises. Scott obviously heard it and now knows that I'm lying. Again. "Can you tell me the truth?" Scott asks gently.

"No, I've really got to go." I answer as I push past Scott. I don't want to know what he's thinking of me right now. When I finally get to the back door of the school, I see the Sheriff car only a few yards away. Dad gets out of the car with a huge umbrella. He walks up to me. He holds the umbrella over me. Together, we walk towards the car, Dad making sure I keep under the umbrella. "Careful where you step." He warns me. I nod as we make our way back to the car. I manage to get in safely. "That was close." My dad comments.

"Too close." I agree, closing my eyes in relief. We drive home in silence. Once we pull into the driveway, Dad helps me out of the car and into the house (with the help of the trusty umbrella). I toss my bag down and collapse onto the sofa. Dad sits down next to me. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little freaked out from the close call." I sigh. Dad nods in understanding.

"Well, you made it out okay. That's the main thing. I'm just glad you're safe." He tells me, patting my shoulder. I smile gratefully at my dad. He smiles back just before he gets up from the sofa and walks out of the room. Suddenly, I hear my phone ring. It's Scott. "Hello?" I ask in a deflated tone.

"I'm worried about you, Stiles. We all are." Scott answers. I sigh heavily.

"Look, Scott. It's nothing, especially compared to all the supernatural problems that we face. Don't worry about me. Just worry about keeping this town safe." I tell him.

"Just because whatever you're going through isn't supernatural doesn't make it any less important." Scott says. Funnily enough, it is a supernatural problem. I don't tell him that. "When did you start to care so much? Ever since you were bitten by Peter, you haven't had as much time as you used to have to ask how I am going." I point out. This time, I hear Scott sigh sadly on the other end. "You're right, Stiles. I haven't always been there. I am so sorry about that." He apologizes. "It's okay, I understand. I know you have a lot more problems to face as a True Alpha." I assure my best friend. "Anyway, I'm here for you now and I'm not going to leave. You've always been an amazing best friend to me, so it's my turn to step up." Scott says stubbornly. I close my eyes, guilt washing over me. Maybe I should just tell him the truth. Scott wouldn't be upset about it, right? "I... I don't really feel like talking about it right now. Maybe on the weekend we can talk." I eventually answer. There is a moment of silence.

"Okay, sure. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Are you?" Scott finally breaks the silence. I grin to myself.

"Yeah, I am. It's going to be great."


The next couple of days pass by relatively quickly. Before I know it, Saturday morning comes around. I find myself helping Dad pack the car. Once we're done, I close the boot. Dad turns to me. "Are you ready Stiles?" He asks me. I nod enthusiastically. I think Scott might have forgotten about the phone call a couple of days ago. Thankfully, no one else has questioned me about my odd behaviour at lacrosse. Dad walks over to the driver's door, opens it and jumps into the car. I do the same in the passenger's side. Once we're both in, Dad starts the engine and pulls away from the house. I look out the window as the scenery slowly changes from thick, dense forestry to open landscape as we get closer to the beach. After about another 45 minutes of driving, we finally arrive at our destination. I had given Dad the slip of paper with the address on it just before we left. I jump out of the car in a hurry. The salty air hits my face in an instant. I breathe in heavily, taking in the smell of the ocean. It makes me feel peaceful. I hear my dad close his car door. I pull myself out of my happy daze and walk over to the back of the car. I look around the area to see if anyone else is here. All I find is Scott's motorbike. How he fitted everything he needs for a weekend on the back of a motorbike, I have no idea. Dad opens the boot and starts pulling out our bags. I grab mine and start walking towards the house, Dad following behind me with his bags slung over his shoulders. We walk inside the house, which had been unlocked by Scott. I take a look around, quite impressed. I think think this house would be able to sleep up to 30 people. Lydia definitely knows how to get good things. Eventually, everyone arrives. Dad goes and lies down in his room after greeting everyone. Work is really tiring him out, surprisingly more than ruling Atlantia did.

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