

Delirious. Jonathan.

That's all I thought about. I hadn't seen him the whole day. I wanted to hug him. Scream sorry to him and cry into his shoulder, yell to the world that I love him - even if he couldn't understand it.

I placed my head in my arms on my desk and stared aimlessly at the wall, filled with inspirational quote posters for learning.

"Mr. Fong," I was interrupted from my thoughts by my name being called by 407's dad.. Or the teacher..

"Since you're obviously paying attention, tell me, what is the answer here?"

I just shrug, not even wanting to put up an effort into saying anything right.
He grumbled and ignored me continuing on with the lesson.

Tyler shot me a harsh glare. I looked away, but still felt it burning at the back of my head. I sighed heavily and raised my hand. But before the teacher could call on me so I could go to the bathroom, the bell rang.

Looks like my timing was a little off, didn't need the bathroom after all..

I was the first one out of the classrooms and made a b-line straight to my next class. At least, that's what I intended, but I was stopped by Luke. He pulled me into an embrace. I was disgusted by this. Ever since we've been together he's been rude, it's almost as if I don't know him.

"Hey, what's wrong, babe?" Luke asked with pouty lip.

I easily push him off and shake my head.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I say.

Luke wasn't taking that and grabbed my shirt, pinning me against the locker and planting his lips on mine. I pushed him off and gritted my teeth.

"Luke! Quit!" I snap.

"What happened to you being in love with me?" He asked suddenly.

"What the hell do you mean?" I growl.

"Ever since that kid in the mask showed up it's been all about Delirious!"

"Luke you're crazy,"

"I'm crazy?! Talk about the person who's obsessed with a guy who is a fucking robot and if he was any denser he could be on the fucking periodic table!"

I push his shoulders and clench my fists.

"Don't talk about him like that! What happened to you, Luke! I used to know you!" I snort, "But now, I don't, you're a fucking rude, ass faggot who is a self-absorbed little baby!"

"Me? Self-absorbed? Talk about you mister 'I'm depressed all the time because no one loves me' crying bitch!"

I furrow my eyebrows, "You know that that is not the fucking reason you lying bastard! You know exactly!"

Luke smirked, "Oh, what? You're dead bratty sister? Oh move on Evan!"

That set me off. No one calls Faith a brat.

"I tried! I tried with Delirious!" I shout.

"And it didn't work.. Now did it?" He crossed his arms.

"Fuck you, Luke.. I'm done," I turn, my eyes stinging, beginning to walk.

"That's right, walk away. Just like you did on your sister and Delirious!"

I stop in my tracks. I clench my fists. Spin around. I look at him straight in the eyes, giving him the dirtiest look I could pull. And I punched him right in the nose. He held his nose, blood dripping down his hand as he was crouched down on the ground.

"Don't you ever fucking speak to me that way again, or even talk to me for that matter, ever again.." I demand.

I turn and begin to walk, but am stopped by the principle.

"Evan Fong, let's go," he informed, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes filled with anger.

I groan and begin to walk slower as I was taken to the office.

"He deserved it.." I mutter under my breath..

"I'm sure he did Mr. Fong," the principle looked at me with a small smile.


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