12: Firsts

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Jen's POV
"Let's go, let's go," I yell at the kids after wiping down the kitchen.

"Momma," Emma comes running out.

"Yeah," I answer taking her jacket off the hook.

"We go?" She says pointing at the door.

"Yeah, we go, where's your brother?" I ask.

"Y, go potty," she says. I quickly run to his room hurdling the stuffed animals which I recently put away.

"Ry, honey," I say so he acknowledges me.

"I pee mommy, I sowrry," he says looking down.

"Really, Ry," I say lifting him off the ground and on the changing table. In my mind I was cursing a lot.

I strip him down and throw a daytime pull up on him. And getting another pair of pants, I'm lucky to have same pants but they go to a different outfit. I put his shoes back on.

"Ry, what did I say about going to the bathroom?" I say sternly.

"Ask," he says sadly.

"Yeah, now go get your coat," I lift him off the table.

"Em, let's go," I say grabbing my purse.

We get to the restraint last.

"Hey, I'll get Emma," Isabelle says opening the car door. She was waiting outside for me.

"Thanks," I say slamming my door.

"You okay?" She asks while we're walking back to the restaurant.

"Yeah just a little stress," I say hurrying inside. I could see the paparazzi clumps starting to for already. I'm lucky they didn't come to my apartment complex when I left, I had the kids running and screaming about.

I take a seat with the kids on each side. Amandla next to Emma and Dayo next to Rylan.

They kids had Mac and Cheese and milk. I had a hamburger. I didn't pay much attention to exactly what everyone got. I know there was a lot of hamburgers and salads and chicken nuggets. We had a great time. It's was wonder to be with the kids.

After dinner, the paparazzi had grown in size a lot. It's was hectic.

I walked out kid on each hip. Amandla volunteered to run to my car and so we could quickly load up and head out.

When I walked out shouts instantly hit my ears. "Jennifer" "Jennifer over here" "Jennifer whose kids are you holding" "who are you dating" "where are you going" "Jennifer to your left" The paparazzi just kept screaming, they didn't really stop ever.

"Momma," Emma cried, I could feel her tears soak through my shirt. I looked down at her red face, hair wisps sticking to her face, little hands trying to wipe her eyes but also cover her ears. It was heart breaking.

"Mommy," Ry cried in my other ear. He was the same way except for his hair didn't stick to his face. His hair is a buzz cut. I shot the paparazzi a mad look. I probably would of spoken some not nice words luckily the kids were there to stop me. I don't like cussing in front of them. Not until they're older. Did I make the right decision to do this movie though?

I brought home Amandla, Jackie and Isabelle. They had their stuff and just came home with me. Leven, Jack, Dayo, and Xander carpooled to my house, Jackie was gonna go with them but decided to come with us last minute.

I got everyone out of the car quickly. The girls motivated the tired toddlers to run to the elevator. I grabbing the bags with the help of Isabelle and caught up with them at the elevator.

I put the kids to bed when we got back. Both in pajamas and the monitors on.

Then I began setting up the food and drinks while yeh girls changed to their pajamas and set up their beds.

The doorbell rings while I finish setting up the food and drinks. I had iced the soda, put the foot in bowls and set out paper plates and napkins.

The boys came bounding threw, they said Leven was locking the car and calling her mom.

"Well, food and drinks are in the kitchen, the kids are asleep, and the other girls are claiming their spots," I say before they hurry to the tiny family room. Amandla and Jackie camped out next to each other. Leven and Isabelle ended up on the two couches. And then all three boys were in a row.

"Alright what do you wanna do?" I ask after everyone is finish getting set up.

"Truth or Dare," Amandla chimes first.

"Okay, truth or dare?" I ask grinning.

"Dare," she says with confidence.

"I dare you to do a backhand spring," I say remembering her doing tricks during training.

"But I'm lazy," she complains.

"Do it, do it," we start chanting.

"Oh, s***. Shh, kids," I remember.

She successfully completed the back handspring. There was a lot of crazy dares. And we found out a lot about each other through truths.

Later in the night, we played beer pong with root beer. It on the floor with a ping-pong ball I brought today.

Boys against girls.

"Score! Chug, chug, chug," the boys chanted in loud whispers.

"Drink, drink, drink," we would say in a loud whisper after making a shot.

We drank so much RootBeer. I'm surprised I'm still living.

We played worlds worse. Like world's worse actor. For example for world's worse babysitter, "I think fire is great, just don't die, I'll be upstairs watching tv."

You make up what the world's worse whatever would be.

Laughing and smiling all night, it completely slipped my mind about what happened with the paparazzi. The kids thankfully slept through the whole night.

Thanks for reading.

CQ: World's Worse ___________?

Do a World's Worse!

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