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"Natsu, I want to tell you that I like you. Not like, love. I love you Natsu. I love you since I don't know when."

After the confession of the blonde, the pinkette just stood there, shocked from the sudden confession. He didn't know all of those. All this time, his blonde friend is in love with him?

He can't even make up the right words to say. He's too shocked.

The blonde maiden knew this would happen. An uncomfortable and awkward silence between them making her irritated. Of course, she's not used to that kind of silence.

She was about to break the silence between them when the pinkette spoke.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"What?" The blonde asked. She don't know why he's sorry.

"I said I'm sorry." The pinkette said. His voice, very low.

The blonde maiden didn't know why he's saying such things. He did nothing to her.

"Why?" She asked. Her voice s laced with curiosity.

The pinkette didn't gave an answer. He got up and is about to go and leave her there alone.

But the blonde wants answers. He can't just leave her there alone after she confessed. He could at least give her a reaction and say something about it.

"Don't go. I need answers. Don't just go like that. I'm still talking to you." The blonde said.

The pinkette just stood there. He's not moving an inch. He don't know what to say. He doesn't want to break her heart. That's why.

The blonde is getting more impatient waiting for answers but nothing came from the pinkette.

"Natsu, please..." The blonde muttered that only the pinkette could hear.

He couldn't take it anymore. The blonde kept on asking him for answers. He have to do it even if it means breaking her. He don't want to do it but he have to. So he gave her answers.

"I'm so sorry. I don't love you. In fact, I hate you. I just befriend you because I like, or rather, love your best friend." He said with so much hatred in his voice.

The blonde was speechless. She didn't expect that things will turn out this way.

"Why didn't you tell me awhile ago?" She asked. It's clear that she's really sad. You can clearly feel it through her voice.

He didn't answer her question.
He just looked away from her.

"Natsu, why?" She asked once more.

Still, no answers from the guy.

She have decided to ask him again but then the pinkette spoke.

"It was love at first sight. I have loved Lisanna from the very first time I saw her. Gray told me that she's your best friend. Since you are just seated beside me, I befriended you. I want to be close to Lisanna that's why I used you. I hate you because every time I've got a chance to have an alone time with her you'll just come and enter the scene. I hate you for that. You're always there to ruin the scene itself. I hate you because yo-"


The pinkette was interrupted by a palm landing on his cheek. He realized that the blonde just slapped him.

"Stop. Please." The blonde said. She's on the verge of crying.

The pinkette looked away and started walking away. The blonde didn't chase after him.
Witnessed by the Sakura Tree and the Starry night sky, the conversation of the man and the lady ended as the man left her there.


With so much pain.

So broken...

To be continued...

The End Of Me... ∞ NaLu Fanfic ∞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz