● 11 ●

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This is it. The day we're all waiting for. Today's the day I will confess to Natsu.

"Mira-san, I'm nervous." I told Mira-san. I thought I got rid of my nervousness last night? Guess I was wrong. I'm still nervous.

Ugh, Lucy get a hold of yourself. The day's just starting. There will be more events coming. I still have to attend my classes and make sure I take down some lectures for Lis. I don't want her to be left out.

Mira-san and I went to school together since I slept in her room last night. Once we got in our classroom, Natsu barged in trying to pick up a fight with Gray again.

Since last month, Natsu's been away from us. He didn't even hanged out with us. I kinda felt disappointed. I mean, you know, for the past months we've known each other, the three of us, Natsu, Lis and I, are very close. Natsu became a part of our little group.

I've been thinking about Natsu that I forgot to write down notes for Lis. Ughhh Natsu. I lost track of time that I didn't realize our class ended.

After classes, I called Natsu to tell him to meet me at the Sakura Park, under the tallest Cherry Blossom Tree, at 7:00. By that time, the stars are already up and it makes me feel calm.

I went in our room to get ready. I also called Lis to inform her about it. Good heavens that there's some signal there. Most likely, some islands don't have communication signals. Good that Tenroujima have some.

When I finished getting ready, I consult Mira-san if I'm fine and my looks are good. She said it's totaly great. I look pretty based on Mira-san.

She went with me at the meeting place to make sure I'm okay. We got there by 6:30 and Mira-san calmed me down. She helped me get rid of my nervousness again. I'm so glad to have my friends here.

By the time Natsu came, Mira-san gave her regards and left us. Natsu and I talked about the things that happened for the past months and he also apologized for leaving me last Monday. He just need to fetch his brother Zeref who came from another continent.

We talked and talked until I remembered something. The thought of it made me nervous once more. Why am I always nervous? I hate myself for being nervous.

Here it is. I'll do it.

"Natsu, I have something to tell you." I said. Good thing I didn't stuttered.

"What is it?" He asked. We are seating below the tallest Sakura Tree in town.

"Natsu, I-I l–" I was cut off by a ring. A ring of a phone. I take a look at my phone to see nothing. Maybe it's Natsu. I saw Natsu look at his phone and I was right, it's Natsu's.

"Hello?" Natsu said through the phone.


"I told you I have some things to do."


"I'm somewhere." Natsu seems irritated. I don't know what they're talking about since Natsu's phone is not in loud speaker mode and Natsu's the only one who can hear it.


"Don't go looking for me."


"I'll go home later"


"Okay, fine." Natsu said and then tapped the end button.

"Sorry for that Luce. Hehehe." He said scratching the back of his head. He became the goofy Natsu I know.

"It's fine. Hahahaha." I said.

"What are you gonna tell me again?" He asked

Oh, that again. I got nervous again. I looked at the starry night sky to calm myself a little. Okay, Lucy, you can do it.

"Natsu, I want to tell you that I like you. Not like, love. I love you Natsu. I love you since I don't know when." I said.

He looked...

To be continued...

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