chapter twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

"You look beautiful in that dress," I said, referring to the blue-green dress that she was wearing.

"Joe! Alyssa! Smile for the picture!" I heard Troye say before she could respond. Alyssa looked up at him at the same time I did and saw that he was pointing to Zoë who had her phone out, pointed towards us. Instead of smiling, I leaned over and kissed her, my hands trailing up and down her bare back as she smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arm around my neck. I heard the people around us hoot and holler but I was focused on her. We pulled apart almost too quickly and Zoë showed us the picture.

Alyssa loved it so much that the next day she printed it out.

I bit my lip in hesitation, trying hard not to let out a sob as I looked at the picture and thought about the memories that it held. I wanted her back and although I was prepared to wait, I wanted her back right now in this instance. I wanted to run down the stairs and show her this picture and then kiss her passionately, just as I had when the photo in my hand was taken.

"You miss her too, don't you?" I asked the black pug who was staring up at me. She only barked in response as I sat down on the edge of Alyssa's bed, glancing down at the picture and up at Nala every so often. Once I was able to slow down my heart rate and keep my emotions at bay, I stood up. I didn't know I wanted to keep it, but I slipped the picture into my hoodie pocket and bent down to pet Nala.

"Come along, Alan," I said quietly, watching as the pug followed me right away. I jogged down the stairs quickly, grabbed Zoë's pair of spare house keys, hooked the leash onto Nala's collar and was out the door faster than you could say 'Brighton'.

Making sure to lock the door behind me, I walked down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. As soon as the wind hit my face I groaned, putting my hood up to shield myself from the cold air. I looked down at Nala only to see that she was perfectly fine and she was giving me a look as if to say: Joe, don't be such a wuss, I experience this everyday.

Until now, I never realized how well trained the pug was. Instead of going ahead of me, like any other dog would, Nala trotted beside me keeping the same pace as I was.

After a few minutes of walking, I decided that Nala and I would head towards the beach, walk along it for as long as we needed and then head back home. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out only to see that Zoë texted me.

Zoë: We're all heading back home now and we're going to be there in a few minutes. I'm pretty sure that we're going to grab lunch, do you want us to get you anything?

Me: I think I'll pass and just to let you know, I'm out walking Nala so if you need me, call me or text me.

Zoë: I will and please Joe, don't lose my dog.

I looked down at the text, choosing not to respond to her. Looking up, I saw that Nala had stopped a few feet in front of me, waiting patiently. I made a motion to her with my hands and then she was off again, slowing down so that I could catch up with her.

I found myself fiddling with the picture in my pocket and I hesitantly pulled it out, making sure to grip it tightly. I frowned as I recalled the memory once again, unable to hold myself back. She made me happy and today was supposed to be a happy day for people like me and yet, I was unhappy.

After another ten minutes of walking, Nala and I finally reached the beach and although I hated the wind with a burning passion--the waves only made it worse--it was great to be here with Nala, although the scene around me wasn't comforting.

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