Prologue ✔️

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Draco's P.O.V

As I was rushing down the stairs of the Manor, I saw that my Aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, was twirling her wand in the air, while smiling maliciously, a glint of an unknown emotion flickering across her dark eyes.

As I neared closer to her I took note of the emotions in her eyes. Amusement. Malice."Hey Draco. What are you doing?" She questioned, feigning an innocence of sorts.

"Making sure I have everything for school next week." I said, suspicious of her unusual appearance and sound of her voice.

She hummed with interest. "Well, I think that you need to learn to listen. Did I not tell you to clean the sitting room and kitchen when you were done?" She asked. Rhetorical question. I had finished both earlier in the day.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I drawled, a wave of unease rushing over my body.

"Don't you dare lie to me! Lupisnis Protome!" She screeched, aiming her wand at me before I could even think of doing anything.

I felt as though the water in my body had suddenly become lava and I could hardly register the sound of my screams as I fell to the cold, hard floor. My vision became blurry and I saw blobs of color coming into my line of sight, and slowly fading out into blackness.


I awoke to see that I was in my warm, silken bed and had both of my parents on each side. "What happened?" I asked, trying to sift through the foggy memories that had overcame my mind.

"Oh honey, you're awake! We believe that your Aunt Bellatrix turned you into a werewolf with a spell. But don't fret, you're different from the others. Unlike them, you can change whenever you want, with the first few times being slightly painful. That is to be expected though. You are still forced to change on the full moon, but you won't be crazed and will be able to mostly keep control over your body. Oh and one more thing, like all other werewolves you will have a soul mate, which is considered to be a blessing and a curse. We will explain that at another time." my mum, Narcissa, explained, running her fingers through my untamed hair in a soothing manner.

"How long have I been out?" I immediately asked, wanting to know what I had missed and how much time I had till I left for Hogwarts.

"Five days." My father, Lucius, said solemnly.

"Five days! That means in only two days I have to be at The Kings Cross!" I exclaimed, shocked of the time that had passed and how I couldn't have more free time for my studies, which I am thankful for, but can get exhausting, and I have time away from Potter.

Which, while worrying, as I thought about his name I relaxed.

I took a deep breath and decided that I wished to understand more of what was happening."Okay. Didn't expect that. Do we have a book so I could look into it a little more?" I inquired.

"Somehow we don't. I do remember looking into getting one, but being unable to attain it. I do know for certain that there is one in the Hogwarts library in the restricted section. So I made sure to contact Dumbledore and he will give you access to it due to your situation. We told him as he had to know and since it was best for you." My father said and I nodded.


Harry's P.O.V (two days later)

I had finally gotten on the train after scrambling around with Ron and a laughing, but worried Hermione, who was thinking we would miss it, and found our own compartment. "So Harry, have you spoken to Sirius?" Hermione asked, breathing heavily, after she closed the door.

"Of course." I stated, noticing that through the glass material in the door, Malfoy was walking past our compartment. His eyes were yellow.

"What's up with ferrets eyes?" Ron said.

Draco had looked at me and I saw him mouth saying something, but I was unsure of what he said. "Those look like werewolf eyes, but that can't be! Malfoys aren't known to have any werewolf blood. hmm...I wonder if he got bit." Hermione pondered as Malfoy strode away.

As he was striding off I felt upset for some reason. Why did I feel rejected? "Do you know what he said?" I asked wanting to at least know something, anything.

They shook there heads. Either way, it didn't matter.


Eyyyy! I hoped you enjoyed! BYEEEEEEEE!

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