Labor (Part 3/3)

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"Push on three Y/N." The kind doctor said gently. You nodded, gripping Ashton's hand. "One...two...THREE!" He said, and you pushed with everything you had, screaming in pain.

Ashton noticeably winced, as you were probably crushing his hand. "Ok! A couple more pushes like that and the baby's shoulders will be out. Need I remind you that there is another baby after this one?" He said.

You snarled at him before pushing once again. The shoulders were out, and the doctor called Ashton away to cut the umbilical cord.

The baby was rushed off to be checked and cleaned, and once again you were told to push. In one last massive push, your last child was out. You lied completely spent on the hospital bed.

The nurse came back with two blankets, one blue, and one pink. She handed the boy to Ashton and the girl to you. You said, "Hi May! It's your mummy. We love you so much already."

May's golden eyes fluttered open and a small smile formed on her lips. Ashton was cooing sweet things to Joshua, who had your eyes and his father's nose.

You sighed contentedly before drifting off with your newborn baby girl in your arms.

The wait was over after what seemed like an eternity of pain. The doctor came back and said, "Ok, now I need you to push!"

All of your muscles strained as you pushed. Michael whispered soothing things to you, trying to help you through the pain.

The doctor told you to push one more time, so you did.  The cry of your baby girl filled the room, and jeez, that girl definitely had some strong lungs like her father.

She was rushed off to be checked and cleaned. Michael was fuming at the thought of someone else touching his child. You laughed tiredly, rubbing his hand soothingly.

"Babe, it's ok. They're just making sure she's not sick and cleaning her up." You say, and his shoulders visibly drop. He plants himself in the chair next to the bed, still holding your hand.

Just then a nurse came back with a little pink blanket. She handed the baby to you, and you cradled her in your arms.

"Hi Kylie. Mummy and daddy love you so much already." You whisper, placing a kiss to her temple.

Kylie's eyes flutter open, revealing emerald green orbs. She had here fathers eyes, you nose, and her father's blonde hair.

You couldn't have been happier. You passed Kylie to Michael after unbuttoning the top of his shirt. He held her correctly and said, "Hi baby, it's your daddy! Your mummy and I love you so much already. We are gonna do so much when you get bigger. We'll go to the park and feed the cute baby ducklings..."

You drifted off, smiling as Michael rambled on and on about things that he would do with his baby girl.

To say the least, Cal was freaking out. With the pain and his blubbering combined, you broke.

"Calum! Shut the fuck up and calm the fuck down! I'm going to be ok and I need you to be level headed right now!" You screamed at him.

He gulped, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened them there was a look of calm determination.

You sighed, leaning back in the bed. Suddenly, an extremely painful contraction hits you. "Ok, get the doctor!" You scream.

Calum punches the button on the wall and an annoying buzzer sounds through the halls. Nurses rush into the room and start moving you into position to give birth.

You scream loudly as another contraction hits you. A nurse rushes over and places your feet on the spread out pedestals.

"Ok Mrs. Hood. I need you to push." She said sweetly and calmly. You push with all you have, and pain erupts in your lower regions.

"Your doing great. A couple of big pushes and the shoulders will be out." She says. You groan, and push harder than before. A cry fills the room and you sigh, falling back and releasing Calum's probably broken hand.

Your baby boy is rushed off to be tested and cleaned as you are brought out of the world of pain that had enveloped you only moments before.

Calum kisses your cheek and whispers, "You did great babe. I love you." before going with a nurse to reset his hand.

Your baby comes back and is placed in your arms. You coo to baby Spencer, wishing that Cal was there instead of in another room.

Just then, he comes back with his hand in bandages. You smile and give him a kiss, handing his child over.

He smiles, placing a kiss to his son's temple. The boy's eyes flutter open, and they're a deep shade of grey, just like yours. He has his father's hair and your nose.

You scream in pain and push with all your might. The nurse tells you to push a few more times and the head would be out.

You do so and an even more intense feeling of pain erupts. You grip Luke's hand so hard that you think that it may be broken by the time both girls are out.

You push again, hard, and a cry fills the room. "There's Emma." You say, preparing yourself to do it again.

"Ok, Mrs. Hemmings. Push!" the nurse says. You scream and push, but you can feel your body weakening with each push.

Forcing yourself to hold out, you push repeatedly without stopping. A cry fills the room and you black out.

When you wake, Luke is by your side, holding your hand worriedly. He notices that you're awake and squeezes your hand lovingly.

Your children are laying in a white hospital crib beside your bed. You smile as they stir slightly in their sleep.

Your family is complete and you couldn't be happier.

Well there it is! The entire book is finished! Thank you for reading guys. It means a lot and I couldn't have better readers. I want you all to have an amazing life and just know that if any of you ever have a problem, don't hesitate to PM me. I'm here and I love all of you!

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