Finding out the gender

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You were in the waiting room, a hand protectively on your bump as you waited. You had arrived a good 10 minutes early, Luke showing up a few minutes later. You squeezed his hand lovingly, letting him know that it would be ok. "Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings?" The nurse called, leading you straight to the waiting doctor.  "Y/N, you know the drill." She chuckles as you immediately lay down and lift your shirt over your swollen stomach. The gel was cold, though it didn't bother you. She waved the wand over your stomach. "Looks like your at 22 weeks. Would you like to know the genders?" She asked sweetly. You both nod vigorously. She giggles a little. "Looks like you are having two girls." Tears well up in both of you eyes. "Pictures?" "Yes." You answer.

Today, you couldn't be more happy. You were going to find out the gender of your child. You laid down and lifted your shirt as  the nurse rubbed the gel over your stomach. She picked up the wand, waving it over your tummy until she found the heartbeat. "Ok. It looks like you're 23 weeks along. Would you like to know the gender?" She asked. You nod as Michael kisses your knuckles. "You're having a girl." The nurse says and you tell her that you want pictures before she even asks.

Y/N: Ashton Irwin!!! Get your ass to the doctor now. You have 15 minutes.

Ashton: Ok princess I'm on my way. Sorry!!!

10 minutes later, Ashton shows up. He wraps you in an apologetic hug. "I'm sorry." He muttered in your ear. You nod. "Mr. and Mrs. Irwin?" You walk over and ask for Jen, the same doctor you had last time. She nods, leading you to the very same room you had on your last visit. Jen practically runs to you. "I told you. Jen, I want you to be my nurse throughout the pregnancy." You say. She squeals. You two had been friends in college, so you were close. "Ok. Let's calm down. You know the drill." She giggled. All Ash could do was laugh at the two of you. You stuck your tongue out at him, laying down. You lifted your shirt and once again the gel didn't phase you. "Do you guys have any predictions before I tell you?" Jen asked. "Yeah. Ash guessed two boys and I guessed a boy and a girl." You explain. "Well, sorry Ashton. Y/N is right. Its a boy and a girl." She says, giving you a high five. "Ha. I believe £20 goes to me." You gloat. "Nice one. Looks like you placed a good bet." Jen says.

You and Calum arrive only seconds before your name is called. The nurse leads you through the doors to an office where a doctor is waiting. Knowing what to do next, you lay down and lift your top. You shiver as soon as the gel touches your stomach. "Ok. It looks like you are having a boy. Congrats." She smiles. Cal has tears in his eyes, as do you.

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