#2 Finding Out

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For the second day in a row, you woke up to a strong urge to throw up. You rushed to the bathroom and let out last nights dinner. Then you remembered. Your period was a week late. You hurried to grab the emergency pregnancy test. The 5 minutes were agonizingly slow. When the time was up, you looked.

Michael was working at the studio, leaving you at home alone. You kept thinking, "Why haven't I hit my period yet?" Then it hit you. You ran to the bathroom, almost slipping in the process. The emergency pregnancy test was at the back of the medicine cabinet. You quickly took it and waited.
5 minutes later...

You looked at the test. You were going to be a mum.

You and Ash had been trying for a baby for 5 weeks now. All of a sudden you began to feel sick. 4am? You thought. Oh hell no. You make your way to the bathroom silently, not waking Ashton. You throw up your dinner and brush your teeth. You take a pregnancy test and wait. Two little lines. Your pregnant.

You are cuddling in bed with Calum because you both had just woken up. You feel a sudden strong urge to puke. You take off as fast as your legs can carry you. Just in time. Your dinner comes up, and a gentle hand pulls back your hair while another rubs your back in a calming manner. When you're done, you get up and flush the toilet. You brush your teeth to rid your mouth of the horrid taste. You go back to bed and lay down. "Cal, can you go and buy me a pregnancy test please?" You ask weakly. "Of course I can sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it." He answers, pecking you on the forehead. He comes back 15 minutes later and hands you a box. You walk to the bathroom and take it. The 5 minutes passes way to slowly. You look at two little lines. How were you going to tell Cal?

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