#4 Telling his/your parents

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You had already told your parents and they were happier than a pig at a buffet. Now you and Luke were headed to his house to tell his parents. "Y/N!!!" Liz exclaims as soon as she sees you. "Hey Liz. We have something important to tell you and Andrew." You say. "Hey mum. Hey dad." Luke says hugging his mum and shaking hands with his dad. "Ok. What is it that you need to tell us?" Liz asks as soon as you both are inside with a mug of hot chocolate to share. "Well, Liz, how would you like to be a grandmum?" You ask. "Y/N Hemmings, are you pregnant?" She asks. You and Luke nod. Liz cries out of joy. Andrew, with tears rolling down his cheeks, whispers, "Our first grandchild."

He had told his parents over the phone yesterday, and now you were waiting for your parents to arrive for dinner. Michael was nervous because he was straight up scared of your dad. "Y/N!!!" Your mum squeals as soon as you open the door. You hug her and your dad and let them in. Michael receives a hug from your mum and shakes hands with your dad. Earlier, you had placed a cinnamon bun in the oven for your mum to find. "Hey mum, can you go start the oven please?" "Sure honey." She replies and heads toward the kitchen. "So, Michael. Treating my daughter like a princess?" Your dad asks. "Of course, sir. I would never treat her any different." Michael replies, taking your hand in his. Right when your dad is about to say something you hear your mum's voice. "What the hell? Y/N!!!" "Coming mum!!! Come on Michael." You say. Gesturing for your dad to follow, you walk towards your mum. "Mum. Connect the dots." You chuckle. She thinks for a minute and smiles. She cries out and hugs you. "Oh my God!!! My baby girl is pregnant!!!" Your dad shakes hands with Michael. They couldn't be happier.

You had called your parents a couple of days ago and informed them of your pregnancy. They were ecstatic. Now it was time to tell his. During the car ride there, Ash couldn't stop smiling. You had the radio cranked up as loud as possible, blaring Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. It was the song you met to, so it was only right that you blare it as loud as possible. Once at his childhood home, you knocked on the door. "Y/N!!!" Anne squealed, hugging you and then her son. "Hey Anne. Is your husband home?" You ask. "No. He had to work. Why?" She asks, suspicious. "I'm pregnant." You squeal, holding her hands. You and her do a girl jump. (Two girls hold hands and jump up and down in sync). "That's amazing!!! I'll pass the message on to him." "Thanks mum. Hope your ready. I'm gonna need some help." Ashton says, scratching the back of his neck. All you and Anne do is laugh. "Hun, you'll be fine." She reassures him.

He called his parents to let them know a couple of hours before you headed to your family's BBQ. You were dressed in your normal blue jeans and tank top with a blue plaid over shirt. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and the flannel that you loved. You found your mum and literally dragged her to the grill where Calum was talking to your father. Your little sister had already found you and insisted on you carrying her. "Ok. What is this about?" Your dad asks, flipping a burger. "Mum, dad, I'm pregnant." You say. "Oh my God, really?" Your mum asks. "Yes." Calum says. "There's a baby in there?" Y/S/N asks. "Yeah sissy."

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