He talks to your bump

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You awoke to the sound of Luke's sweet voice and warm breath near your tummy. "... And I'm gonna take you to the park to feed the ducks and we'll play on the swings. Then, we'll go to the ice cream parlor across the street. We're gonna have so much fun when you get out." He said. "That's really sweet Luke." You say. He blushes bright red and smiles shyly. " Y-y-you heard me?" He asks. "Yes I did. I love you so much Luke." You exclaim, tears in your eyes.

"Ashtonnnnn. They won't stop kicking." You whine. The kids had been really active today and you were exhausted. He laughs lightly and gets down on his knees. "Hey kids, its your daddy and I'd really like it if you'd stop kicking your mum. Your making her really uncomfortable." He says. "They settled down." You smile, grateful for the relief.

"Y/N, do you think that it would be weird if I talked to your bump?" He asked. "No. Not at all. Go ahead." You say. "Hey sweetie. I can't wait until you get the heck out of your mummy's tummy. You've got a nice room all set up and ready for you. Your gonna be as beautiful as your mum. Probably gonna have her attitude too. I love you so much already." He says, his voice cracking at the end. "That was beautiful Cal. I love you." You say, tears spilling from both of your's eyes.

You and Mikey are cuddled up in bed trying to take a nap. "Y/N, can I talk to your bump?" He asks you. "Yes, of course you can." You say. "Hey baby, its your daddy. We're gonna do so much together. I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar when you get older. If you can sing like your mum, then you and uncle Luke are gonna get along great Kylie. I love you so much baby..." He carried on and on, eventually lulling you off to sleep.
Hey guys!!! Hope you had a merry Christmas. I did. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been super busy with my little sister and family.

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