House of Generations, Pt. 3/House of Masks

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Rebecca and Leslie exited the car. "Just through there." Rebecca said.

Leslie looked at the time.


"It's time." Leslie bit her lip. She pushed Rebecca to the ground, and ran inside the warehouse.

As Leslie ran inside the warehouse, Arielle had saw what she did, and decided to keep Rebecca at bay.

"Hey, kid-napper!" Arielle yelled. Rebecca growled at her. Arielle screamed, and ran over to her. She pushed Rebecca down again, and held Rebecca down until Leslie came back out.


Leslie was in the warehouse, and immediately saw Nina in the chair.

"Leslie?" She asked.

"Come on, I'm saving you." Leslie rushed. "Wait." Nina looked around for a while, until she found the Chosen One's dagger.

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"Her name has began taking over the dagger." Nina stated.

Nina and Leslie ran out, where they saw that Arielle was unable to subdue Rebecca, who was standing.

"It's time!" Rebecca yelled. She pushed Leslie out the way. Nina threw the dagger at Leslie as Rebecca dragged Nina away. Leslie stood on her feet, holding the dagger. She took Arielle, and ran towards Anubis.


"It's time, child, begin!" Sarah began to cry.

"Sarah, please, don't!" Riley begged.

"Water of the Nile River..." She sniffed, "tears of gold..."

Jax and August burst into the roof.

Sarah looked up at him. "Jax?" She asked.

August scoffed. "And August!"

"I'm the Osirian." Jax blurted. Sarah ignored that, and began mixing again.

"...the trophy of the man who wasn't loved." Sarah placed her hands over the grail, and Jax walked over to her. "Sarah, stop. Please."

Sarah stared at him, an emptiness in her eyes, and began blessing the cup.


Leslie and Arielle came through the roof. "This is just great." Charles sighed. "Hurry, child!" Charles demanded.

Sarah cried. She handed him the Grail. "I'm done."

"The dagger! Rebecca wants something with the dagger a-and Nina. You have to stop her. We all do." Leslie explained. "We have to wait out the Siring Hour until Sarah's name completely takes over the dagger."

"Rebecca is not my problem. Not anymore." Charles laughed. "My family will be alive. And you miscreants will be dead."

MacKenzie screamed. "Help! Help!"

The first coffin Charles opened was Cooper. "Brother."

Nina and Rebecca came through the door, and Charles was distracted. Rebecca saw the dagger in Leslie's hand and took it.

She cut open Nina's hand. Nina screamed out of pain.

She let it drip out into the roof, and an opening to the Underworld opened.

"Not this place. You're trying to bring back-"

"-Rufus Zeno? You're very perceptive." Rebecca smirked. "But what do you want with him? I've never heard about you and any associations with him and you."

"I guess you'll have to find that out." Rebecca replied. Rebecca pushed her into the Underworld.

"In death."

Everyone screamed. "Nina!"

"Mum!" Sarah screamed and she jumped in, too.


While Charles was distracted, Leslie, Arielle, and August were untying Rhys, MacKenzie, Duncan, Riley, and Robert. them, Osirian...

Jax walked over to the opening, and jumped in. "Jax!" Riley screamed.

Rebecca shrugged. "The more the merrier!"

Rebecca stuck her hand in. She felt some strangers trying to pull their way into the world, but Rebecca shook them away until she found the hand she wanted.

When Rufus Zeno finally held her hand, she pulled him through, and there he was. Standing, alive again.

"Thanks. It was getting a bit hot in there."

Charles stood in front of Rebecca.

"Tell them who you are, Rebecca."

Rebecca stood silently.

"Tell them!"

Rebecca smirked, as Rufus stared at her, waiting, as he didn't know who she was either. She took off her red-haired wig, which revealed brown wavy hair.

Her hazel eyes were just contacts and she revealed her piercing blue eyes.

Her entire facial features-her lips, her nose shape, her ears-it was a mask. She took it off.

"You look-" Charles stopped.

"-just like him. Yeah." Rebecca combed her hair out with hands.

"My name is Robyn Zeno." Rufus stepped back.

Robyn faced him.

"Daddy's little girl."

I kind of expected this chapter to be longer, but...all's well that ends well! I had all this planned out too...this did not end how I thought it would. The wind took me where it blew!

Will Jax, Nina, and Sarah make it out the Underworld?

Is Charles going to get what he wants?

How is Robyn Rufus's daughter?


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