House of Emergency/House of Business

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"Oh my god, is she okay?" Leslie asked. She tried to find her friend's pulse.

"Trudy! Charles!" Robert screamed.

"What, what...?" Charles climbed down the stairs. "Trudy! Call an ambulance."

"Oh my god."

Trudy called an ambulance and they took her in.


Leslie and Robert stood in the waiting room outside the E.R.

"What do you think happened to her?" Leslie asked.

Robert glanced at her.

"Your friend is okay," Trudy stood up as soon as the nurse came out. "She only felt a sudden overwhelming pang of fear. Any reason why she would feel this way?" The nurse asked.

"No...Leslie, Robert, what about you?" Trudy answered. They shook their heads.

"Okay." The nurse walked away.

"Leslie, Robert, let's go. I have to take you to school. You're thirty minutes late." Trudy said.

"Please, we just want to see her." Robert begged.

Trudy sighed, "Fine. But don't be too long."

Leslie and Robert walked into Riley's room. Her parents, Patricia and Eddie, were attacking her with questions.

"Are you hurt? Did someone do this? Do we need to bring you home?" They asked.

"I'm fine, nobody did this to me, and you don't need to bring me home."

"Are you sure about that Riley? You can come home at any time." Patricia explained.

"Seriously, I'm fine. Now, what are you going to name my sibling?"

Leslie and Robert coughed.

"Oh, hey you guys. We didn't see you there." Eddie stated. "I guess you can know too."

Patricia smiled. "We've decided that if it's a boy, it's Michael."

"And...?" Riley asked.

"...If it's a girl, it's Fiona." Patricia finished. "Those are great names." Robert asked.
"Anyway, can you call your next child Leslie?"

Eddie laughed nervously. "Next child?"

"Well would you look at that we're late for," Patricia tried to come up with something, "anything, bye!"

Patricia grabbed Eddie and left the emergency room.

As soon they left, Leslie questioned her. "What happened to you? Does it have something to do with when you came in late last night?"

"It was the most horrific thing I'd ever seen in my entire life." Riley explained. "There was chanting at first. But then, Charles took his hood off and just slathered on some type of liquid on his face. Then, he put on this golden mask and cried. After that, he put on this dog faced mask and said, 'For Atticus', 'For Penelope', 'For Caleb', 'For Charlotte', 'For Cooper'. And then I escaped."

"There's something seriously wrong about that house. How did our parents never notice that something weird was going on?" Leslie wondered.

"Maybe they did. They just didn't tell us about it." Robert stated.

"We gotta go." Riley, Leslie, and Robert headed to Trudy's car and off to school.


Arielle slammed her books into her locker.

When she closed her locker door, she saw August standing right in front of it.

"Go away, August." Arielle sighed. "Jax told me everything."

Jax... August thought. August softly took her hand. "Is there any way that we can see past that, and just move on?"

Arielle stared daggers at him. "You might be my first love August, but I will never forgive you for what you did." Arielle took her chemistry books out.

"And I won't be a second choice." She took her hand from his, and walked to class.

August groaned quietly, and rubbed his face. "What have I done?"


MacKenzie was sitting on the bleachers outside, waiting for Duncan to try out for football. She was looking at him getting ready, when Jax appeared next to her.

"What do you want Jax?" MacKenzie asked, still looking at Duncan.

"I know something you don't know." He sang. "What?"

"Did you know that August found out that you had feelings for him, but at first he didn't like you back but then he started to have feelings for you and he was going to break up with Arielle to be with you but Arielle found out that he had feelings for you, so Arielle broke up with August instead and now that he sees that you and Duncan 'together' he realizes that he lost two great girls?" Jax asked.

MacKenzie mouth was agape. "He knew?"

Jax nodded. "You're right." MacKenzie swallowed. "He did lose me."

MacKenzie continued to watch Duncan try out.


Sarah took out the Eye of Horus from underneath her shirt. She opened it.

"Who are you?" She whispered.

"What's that?" Jax popped in the seat next to her. Sarah jumped, and slid the Eye of Horus back into her jacket.

"You never talk to me on a daily basis," Sarah turned toward him. "What are you doing, Jax?"

"I can't just hang out with my friends anymore?" Jax asked. Sarah raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, that does sound nothing like me, but it is true. I just want to get to know you better."

Sarah tilted her head. "Aw, Jax. I see what you're doing."

Jax widened his eyes. "You do?"

"You've fallen for me, and I'm sorry but I'm just not interested."

"What?!" Jax asked in a high pitched voice. "It's okay. Maybe you didn't want me to know...but I just see right through people."

Jax squinted his eyes. "What?"

When Sarah got up to leave, Jax realized, "You never answered my first question."

"And that is?" She asked.

"What was that in your hand when I first came into the lounge?" He repeated.

"That's..." Sarah trailed off. "None of your business."

It's been a long time..without you my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again. I'm back! Sorry that it actually has been a long time since I've updated, but I'm back now!

Will Jax really give Rebecca the information she needs?

Is MacKenzie over August?

Will Duncan make the team?

Are Robert, Leslie, and Riley working together now?

Is Arielle moving on?


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