House of Labor, Pt. 2/House of Ages

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9:23 p.m

"Ugh, how long does it take to have a baby?" Jax complained.

"Stop complaining, Jax." Jerome told him. "We've been here, for twenty-four hours. I haven't had a decent meal in twenty-four hours."

"Fine! Mum and I will get you something from The Shack down the street. Will that make you happy?" Arielle asked. Jax nodded.

Arielle picked up Joy's hand, and left.

Everyone looked at the TV.

"A thunderstorm is headed for Liverpool. We advise you to stay in your homes and avoid being outside. Otherwise, you might get struck by lightning. There is a 5% chance of a tornado, but it's very unlikely."

"Of course the only thing they would have on in the hospital is the news." Jerome said.

The channel changed to an episode of Pretty Little Liars.


"Yes!" Leslie cheered, and leaned over to Robert, eyes on the TV. "This is the one with the bridal show." She looked at him, and he was on his computer, typing.

Charles Hannigan

"Why are you looking him up?" Leslie wondered. "Something's wrong with that man, Leslie. I know it. Those coffins had names. First and last. All of them had Hannigan."

Explosion at Mansion: 1874 -- Five people lost, one survives. Charles Hannigan

"Charles? Five people? There were only four in there." Leslie frowned. "Remember? August took one of the coffins. Maybe to Rebecca." Robert theorized.

"We don't know for sure-"

"She's the only person August could be helping."

"Wait. Didn't the link say 1874? It's 2028 now. Charles should be dead." Leslie figured out. "He must least 100 years old!"

"175 if you want to get technical." He corrected.

Robert clicked the link.

There was a video, so he watched it, along with Leslie, with earplugs.

"I don't understand. One minute we were sitting down, talking like a family. The next, my sister is smelling gas and there's an explosion."

"That's Charles." Leslie gasped.

"Do you think someone caused the explosion?"

"I-I don't know. But I'll find a way to get them back."

The video showed Charles taking the camera and throwing it to the ground.

"I'll get them all back."

"It says here that Charles was institutionalized after the incident for 'seeing his dead family'. He got out in 1905 because the hospital got torn down." Robert read.

"So our caretaker has lived a century and was in a mental hospital. Just great." Leslie rubbed her face.

A film noir came on.

"You're making me nervous, Chip. I don't like being nervous."


" you still have your minister's license?" Arielle asked.

"I think so...why?" Joy answered. "I need you to be certain. When does it expire?" Arielle said.

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