House of Sabotage/House of Corners

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The next day, MacKenzie was ready to head to school. She put up a poll outside the teacher's lounge to help people decide if she was the better pick for the school representative or Scarlett, her opponent, was.

But when she got to the lounge, her poll had been torn to shreds. MacKenzie picked it up and saw that Scarlett was only getting a couple, but MacKenzie's votes were rolling in.

When she walked in the lounge, because that's where she was keeping her cupcakes, she gasped.

The cupcakes were destroyed.

MacKenzie saw a note. She read it.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You tried to beat me,
But I'm going to beat you.
When the votes are called in,
My winning won't be true.
But at least I will win!
And the loser will be you.

-Your Enemy, Scarlett



All the kids were in Theatre class. Leslie was fiddling with her pencil, biting her lip. She was staring at Robert. Riley slid in the seat next to her.

"Go for it. Tell him." Riley encouraged. "He doesn't like me." Leslie figured. "What makes you think that?" Riley asked.

"The fact that he's never shown any interest in me." Leslie sighed. "So the puppy dog eyes and the yearning means no interest?"

Leslie glanced at her. "You have to have more self confidence, Les. Wow, I'm giving advice. It's a miracle." Riley chuckled.

"I'm going to do it!" Leslie grinned. "He'll be lucky have 'ya."

Leslie went to sit next to Robert.

"The mystery's almost over. This...was a heck of a year, huh?" Robert chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess it was." Leslie responded. She gulped. "I have to tell you something."

"Shoot." Robert faced her. He fixed his glasses. "I...uh...I have a crush on you." Leslie admitted.

"You? Leslie Lewis? Have a crush on me?" Robert asked, a bit startled by it.

"I knew I shouldn't have done this." Leslie got up, but Robert held her hand. "Leslie." Leslie sat back down.

"I have a crush on you...back." Robert smiled at her. Leslie hugged him.

"So, does this, like, mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" Leslie asked. "Yeah. I think it does." Robert smiled.


Sarah sat next to Rhys. "Have you realized that if it wasn't for me, Charles wouldn't be getting what he wanted?" Sarah asked him.

"Charles won't get what he wants. Because you won't give it to him." Rhys assured.

"But what if he gives me no choice? What if he uses-" She was about to say 'you', but afraid that he didn't feel the same way about her, she didn't. "someone I really care about. Like my own brother."

"Sarah." Rhys faced her. "Charles might be a little...determined, but I don't think he would go as far as threatening one of us. If Victor won't-"

"-Victor's father never loved him. That's why he wanted to protect our parents. Charles was loved. Who knows how far he will go to save his family." Sarah gulped, and began doing her assignment.


August, Arielle, MacKenzie, and Duncan were sitting far apart from each other in the common room.

Except for Duncan and MacKenzie, since they were still together.

All of a sudden, a laptop was shoved in the room and the door was locked shut.

"Oh, no." Arielle groaned. The laptop rang.

Will you accept this video chat?

August walked over to the laptop, and clicked 'yes'.

The rest of the kids appeared on the screen, smiling. "Why did you lock us in here? Of all the people to be trapped with." Arielle asked.

"You're one to talk." MacKenzie scoffed. "I didn't ask for your opinion, ex-sister."

MacKenzie glared at her. "Guys, stop." Duncan held MacKenzie. Arielle looked away.

"Don't you realize they hate each other?" August asked. "This is none of your business. It stopped when you decided you were going to dump Arielle." Duncan growled.

"It's my fault they hate each other! If I'd just stayed content with Arielle instead of-what really happened, then none of this would've happened." August explained.

"So, we're blaming this on August? Great." Arielle said.

"Stop!" Riley yelled through the screen. "Maybe it was a bad idea putting them all together in one room." Leslie sighed.

"They're going to tear each other apart." Rhys whispered.

"Let us out!" MacKenzie demanded. "Needy." Arielle mumbled. "What was that? Witch." MacKenzie retaliated.

"Stop! We really do have problems." Duncan stated.

"You can say that again." Arielle rolled her eyes. August took the laptop, and hung up.

"Our...relationship, it needs to be fixed. Arielle and I can go first." August stated. "No, I've already said what needed to be said to you." Arielle replied.

"But you still hate us." Duncan added. "Wait-us?" MacKenzie glanced between them. "Is there something I need to know?"

Duncan nervously gulped.

"Arielle, look. I know our relationship has been on the rocks ever since we got to Anubis House. I never really wanted to break up with you. I thought I wanted MacKenzie, but I realized my mistake after you broke up with me. I'm not saying that we should get back together, because I'm pretty sure that will never happen again, but, can we at the very least be friends?"

Arielle looked at him up and down. "I could never hold a grudge." Arielle hugged him. "We can be friends. And so can we." Arielle smiled at Duncan. He nodded.

Arielle turned to MacKenzie. "What about us?" MacKenzie asked.

"I could never hate you for long." Arielle said. MacKenzie turned to Duncan and August.

"I'm sorry. For anything, I could've put you through. Ditto?" MacKenzie wondered.

Duncan and August nodded. They faced each other. "I never thought that girls would be the reason we'd be fighting." Duncan chuckled.


Duncan and August shared a brotherly hug.

"Alright. Can we leave?" August yelled. The door was opened.


After August, MacKenzie, Arielle, and Duncan had worked through their problems, Rhys decided to take a shower.

When he was walking out the bathroom, he was drying his wet hair. When he closed his eyes for a minute, Ms. Marshall had appeared in front of him.

"Ms. Marshall? What are you doing here?" Rhys asked. He saw the rest of the Society cornering him.

"Uh, is cornering students in the school handbook?" Rhys was about to scream for help, but Mr. Pillars held his mouth.

"Scream, and we hurt your poor unsuspecting sister, Leslie."

Rhys was shot in the arm with some sedative, and he passed out.

Ooo, interesting huh? Okay, it's only going to take one more chapter until I write the finale. It's going to be in parts, so.

Why did the Society take Rhys?


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