House of Conversations/House of Feelings

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"Leslie!" Rhys called out for his sister. "Oh, hi!" Leslie hugged her brother. "What happened?" Trudy asked.

"Well, Madam Izzy was looking into her orb, and then she something about all of us going through things at Anubis, then she said death, and all of a sudden she had this heart attack.

"Oh my god." Rhys frowned. "We should go back to the house." Charles suggested. "I guess so." Leslie shrugged.


"You are like the worst person. Ever." Sarah stated. "I'm just saying, if you want to get a psychic, you should get one that doesn't look into a stupid orb. Maybe one that reads Tarot cards. And what kind of name is Madam Izzy? I wouldn't even be talking about this if her name was something like Lady...Tranyce." Jax replied.

"Leslie is like, the sweetest person on Earth, now bugger off." Arielle added, in a thick British accent.

"I'm back." Leslie squealed sadly. "Are you okay?" MacKenzie asked. "Yeah, I just never thought I'd ever had to see someone die before." She gulped.

"She's dead?" Robert asked. Leslie nodded.

Charles sauntered down the stairs, ready to give the speech. "Here it goes." Duncan sighed.

"It is 10:00!You have five minutes precisely! And then I want to hear a pin..." Everyone rushed to their rooms, "drop."


Before they took a trip to the mysterious attic that their parents warned them about, Rhys started to text the only person he knew would keep this special secret. The one person he knew he could talk to.


He took out his iPhone, and squinted at the bright screen. He clicked on his Sarah contact, he began to text.

(Sarah, italics, Rhys, bold)


What's up? Are you ready to go to the attic?

Yeah, yeah. I need to tell you something.

What is it? What's wrong?

I heard Charles talking to someone earlier...


So! He was talking to someone about accidents, and coins, if the person knew what was at stake, and all bunch of other creepy stuff. I think he might be a murderer.

Please! If our caretaker had an murder-type agenda, I'm sure the school board would know about it.

School boards don't know about this stuff! Remember that movie, 'Twas the Night Before Murder'?

That was fiction.

But it happened.

Let's talk later. Everyone else is already waiting for us at the attic. Okay?


(End of Conversation)


"Where have you been?" Riley asked. August coughed, "Flirting." Arielle elbowed her boyfriend, but giggled.

"What? Ew! Gross." Sarah and Rhys glanced at each other, as though it might be true.

"Alright! Let's get on with this, so we won't get caught and end up scrubbing the toilets with toothbrushes or dusting the chandelier with feathers." Duncan rushed.

Riley started to pick the lock. "I'm in! To be honest, I didn't really think that that would work." Riley admitted.

"Who wants to go first?" Riley asked. Jax rolled his eyes. "Cowards. Pfft." Jax started to walk up the stairs, when he heard a rat squeaking around the foot of the steps. He shrieked.

"Cowards. Pfft." They mocked. "You're afraid of rats?" Robert asked.

"No..." Jax lied. When he tried to climb up the stairs he heard it squeak again. "Okay, it senses my fear!" He yelled.

"Musophobia." Robert explained. "What?" Sarah wondered. "Fear of mice."

"I'm not afraid of mice. I'm afraid of rats. Rats are the cousins to a mouse. Rats are the ugly versions of mice."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Leslie shook her head. "All animals are beautiful creatures." She called to the rat, and it crawled on her hand. She smoothed it's hair, and said, "I'll call you Albert."

"Sweetie, your not supposed to have pets." MacKenzie said. "We're not supposed to be going up in the attic either, but we're doing that, aren't we?" She asked, as she climbed the stairs, Jax after her.

"She makes a good point." MacKenzie stated as she walked up the steps. Everyone else went after her.


"MacKenzie does not have feelings for me." August reasoned, and grabbed a banana. "I'm telling you! She's setting off all these signals! She was glaring at us when you gave me the bracelet, and she said, 'how does August deal with you?' when I was complaining to her."

"That could be it." August shrugged.

"I used to think that she just always fancied Duncan. I guess I was wrong." Arielle sighed. "How could she do this to me?" She looked down, and took a turkey sandwich from the basket.

August lifted Arielle's chin up, and said , "Even if she does actually have feelings me, I will never feel the same way about her like I do you. There is no one I'd rather be with." Arielle smiled, and gave him a kiss, although August wasn't very sure if he had feelings for Arielle, MacKenzie, or both.

He'd always remember a moment between him and MacKenzie, where things had just seemed right.


August was over Arielle's house, but she was mad at him because he forgot their anniversary, which was February 27th. He was in their backyard, throwing rocks into the river they had, evidently, he sucked at. Sucked.

MacKenzie was there, before she had feelings for him, and asked, "What's wrong?" He kept throwing rocks at the river, ignoring the question. "Hey." MacKenzie touched his shoulder, and he looked towards her. He felt a shock. She dropped her hand. "What happened?"

"Guess what today is..." August hinted. "Sunday?" MacKenzie gasped. "Your anniversary."

"Guess who forgot it?" "You." MacKenzie answered.

"Guess who's mad at him-er, me?" "Arielle." MacKenzie stared at his depressed face.

"You suck." MacKenzie said. "You know, when we all grow up and get jobs, I really hope that you don't become a therapist. Or an advice columnist. Because you really rank low in that area." He sarcastically advised.

"I mean at throwing rocks." MacKenzie picked up a rock, and threw it perfectly. They watched as it bounced across the river.

"Just flick your wrist. Put your gut into it." MacKenzie walked beside him, and took his arm. When he threw the rock he did it perfectly. August cheered. "Your welcome." MacKenzie thanked.

"Your the best," August picked her up, "I could kiss you!"

When he said that, August ran away from the Clarke's house, and MacKenzie felt her heart glow.


"You need to move on." Riley said to MacKenzie. "But I can't! And they're so close to breaking up-"

"I think we have different definitions of 'close' and 'breaking up'. They're miles away from that. They're in love, Kenzie. You need to let him go."

MacKenzie nodded.


"Who's there?!" Charles voiced boomed up the steps. He had heard laughs in the attic, and checked to see if the kids were in their rooms.

They weren't.

"I said, who's there?!" He repeated.

They were going to get caught.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! If you like that August-Arielle-MacKenzie thing, don't worry, there's more to come!


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