House of Members/House of Returns

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"Feels good to be back." Sarah smiled as she walked in through the doors of Anubis House. Charles growled at the sight of her, still looking for his missing coffin.

"Sarah!" All the kids came out of their rooms and the common room.

"I've only been gone for five days, you couldn't have missed that much. I just saw you at the hospital!"

"Yeah, well it feels like decades." Leslie squeezed her.

Charles came out of his office.

"This is a hallway, not a meeting room, move!" He yelled. Jax didn't go anywhere, because he was looking at his stuffed cat, Shadow, which was staring at him.

Charles looked at him. "What are you staring at, boy?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Jax muttered, and walked into the common room.


"We need to talk to you. Like, right now." Leslie picked up August's arm, and Sibuna left the room and into Rhys, Robert and Jax's.

"Did you notice that they have been hanging around each other a lot lately?" Arielle asked, sitting in the common room with MacKenzie and Duncan.

"Yeah, I guess. But it's no biggy. Maybe the house brought them closer together." MacKenzie answered.

"The thunderstorm is approaching Liverpool faster than predicted! This is the biggest thunderstorm that has ever happened in Liverpool! I suggest you take cover!"


They pushed August onto one of the beds.

"What's going on?" He asked. "You know exactly what's going on." Jax replied.

"I really, really, don't." He got up, but the boys pushed him back down.

"I did not enjoy that." August said. "Where is my locket? I know you took it because Robert told me. You're one of my closest friends, why would you do this?" Sarah asked.

August sighed. "It's complicated." He answered. "So uncomplicate it." Riley demanded.

"There's this woman...Rebecca Graff. She told me that Charles is a really bad guy and that if I helped her out with some stuff that she would be able to stop him. The first thing she asked me to do was to steal a coffin. From Charles." August told them.

"That explains that." Robert whispered. "Look, she really scares me sometimes. I think she might do I say this nicely...a little loco in the cabeza...!"

"Yeah. We know." Jax said. "You know? How?" August wondered.

"Forget that. How 'bad' does Rebecca think Charles is?" Leslie asked.

"No way. Uncle Jerome told me about how to handle 'interrogations'. He said not to give off any of the good stuff, unless they give you something in return." August responded.

"Let's make a deal - we'll let you know what we know, if you get back Sarah's locket and put back Charles's coffin." Riley bribed.

"You expect me to steal two things from Rebecca? Alone?!" August exclaimed.

"Hey, bro. That's your problem." Rhys shrugged. "I'm not doing that." August shook his head.

"Fine. Then we'll tell Charles that you were the one who stole, 'his stuff'," Sarah raised her eyebrows.

"Okay." August agreed.

Sibuna almost walked out, when August stopped them. "Wait!"

The six turned around.

"I'll do it on one condition - you let me in on your little...Scooby gang."


"They're all beautiful, Trudy." Arielle gazed at all the wedding dresses in the shop.

"Should we really be picking out the wedding dress so early? The wedding's not for weeks." Trudy asked.

"It's always good to be prepared. Besides, we're not even going to be picking it out today. Today, we'll pick a wedding dress, then, the day before the wedding, we can get the dress. You have nothing to worry about, Trudes." Joy said, being there with her daughter and Trudy.

"Ooo...I really like this one." Trudy picked a poofy dress. "But you won't be able to see your legs..." Joy trailed off.

"I'm completely capable of walking, Joy. Why would I need to see my legs?" Trudy asked.

"I've been to weddings before, Trudes. Every bride wants that Cinderella wedding fantasy. I know what you want, Trudy." Joy smiled.

"Please, Joy. I just want a simple wedding!"

"But, you deserve the best, Trudy!" Joy argued. Arielle and Trudy stared at Joy intently.

"Okay, alright. I guess I just want you to have the wedding I had. It was big." Joy chuckled. She spotted a dress.

"This one's simple. And perfect. Do you like this one, Trudy?" Joy calmly asked.

"Oh, I like it even better than the other one!"

"Great! We'll put this one on hold."


"Please, I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen." MacKenzie furrowed her eyebrows at Duncan.

"Please, nothing will happen to me. You have to stop worrying." Duncan replied.

"But, what about two years ago? The reason August quit sports? Because he got hurt?" MacKenzie protested.

"August gave up. I don't give up." Duncan said.

"But, what if-"

"I don't want to hear any more, MacKenzie!" He yelled.

Another chapter from your, at least top five, favorite writer. I usually make it to 1000 words in my chapters, but this one is 800. Lowest amount of words I've ever written! In this book. The The wedding dress Trudy chose is at the top.

Is Duncan getting irritated with MacKenzie?

Will Sibuna let August join?


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