House of Meetings/House of Baking

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Arielle ran down the stairs. She bumped into Duncan. "Oh. Hi." Arielle greeted.

"That's a...warm welcome." Duncan chuckled. He looked at her face. "Hey, are you upset? What's going on?"

"I told MacKenzie that ever since the play-the kiss-that I've had this feeling...keep that in mind, a feeling, that I like you. Then, she got all mad and jealous and called me a boyfriend stealer. Like she isn't one." Arielle explained.

"Wait, so basically, she blew up in your face, just because you told the truth?" Duncan asked. "Basically." She repeated.

"You can't let her just do that." Duncan ran up the stairs. "Duncan! Duncan!"


Jax and Riley came back from their date.

"8:50. Almost curfew." Jax stated.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Rhys and August stepped out.

"You guys don't have to sneak up on us. You already know that we're dating." Riley shrugged. "We didn't come out here for that. Although it would be nice to know how the date went-"

Rhys cut August off.

"Okay, no. We have to talk about the Osirian. And getting the riddle back from Charles. And the last ingredient for the Grail of Anubis. And what happened to my sister."

"So, basically, we need lots of plans." August summed up. Riley and Jax nodded.

The four heard two people outside the door. "What could that be?" Rhys asked.

The door opened. "Okay, Robert, both of us can't fit through the door at the same time." Sarah said.

"Which is exactly why I should be going in first. I was at the door way before you were!" Robert argued.

"Ugh." Sarah scoffed. She let him go in first, and she shut the door behind her.

They both went to their rooms without noticing the four.

"No hello? Hi? Hola? Bonjour? Sup?" Jax raised his eyebrows.

Riley went upstairs to talk to Sarah, and Rhys, August, and Jax went to talk to Robert.

The boys went to Robert, Jax, and Rhys's room. "Hey, Robert." Rhys greeted.

"He does not deserve a greeting from me. He didn't have the decency to say hello in the foyer!" Jax whisper-yelled.

Robert turned around from unpacking his suitcase when he saw them. "Oh, hey, you guys."

" was America?" Jax started off, trying not to be too direct. "You mean how was Gran? Really sick. We lost her. The service was beautiful." Robert smiled.

"So, you're not the least bit upset about it?" August questioned.

"We had agreed that Great-Gran had moved on to a better place. I know that, and I'm not going to dwell on it for the rest of my life." Robert declared.

Rhys got straight to the point. "Things happened. Those days you and Sarah were away. We need to call a Sibuna meeting."


Duncan and Arielle's mouths were a gape. "I can't believe she's wrote this. And for a school website, how could she post something so private?" Arielle asked.

They were staring at MacKenzie's computer. She was in the shower, and she had left her computer on and open, and they saw the school website topic she was planning on sending in.

MacKenzie walked in, and gasped. "You weren't supposed to see that."

"So much for Duncan and MacKenzie." Duncan scoffed. He walked out her room. "Duncan, wait!"

Arielle was still in her room. "I'm done with you, MacKenzie. All you ever try to do is start drama with me, and I'm done. I'll be switching rooms with Leslie tomorrow morning."


"So, you think the Osirian is in the house?" Sarah asked.

Rhys and August nodded. "And it's out of Jax, August, and Duncan." Riley added. "Yes."

"Okay, there is time to figure that out later. We need to get the riddle back from Charles. Who knows what he's already figured out."

"Hey, where's Leslie?" Robert asked. "We told you, things happened." August stated.

"Leslie's in the hospital." Rhys told them. "How?" Sarah inquired. "Leslie and I were down in the cellar, and I was looking away, and she drank something down there. It was a green fluid." Riley explained.

"What? No, no, no, no!" Sarah explained.

"What is it? What did Leslie drink?" Jax asked.

"Leslie drank the unfinished Elixir of Life."

"What?" They all asked. "How do you know?"

"When my parents finally told me the truth about their past here, they told me what went on during their first term. On their end-of-term prom, my Mom, the Chosen One, had to build the Cup of Ankh. But Victor-and this guy named Rufus-were trying to get eternal life. But my parents didn't want them to get eternal life, so, my father had destroyed the Elixir of Life. But, Victor started on it again over the summer. The color of it, was green." Sarah explained.


"Trudy! Where's the flour?!" MacKenzie yelled. She had dough all over her face, trying to prepare for the school representative competition. She was trying to make cupcakes.

"Oh, dear. Here, let me help you with-" MacKenzie cut Trudy off. "No. The rules clearly state that I may have no help from adults in the midst of the competition. I can have help from friends, but, I currently have none." MacKenzie sighed.

"Dearie, what about Sarah, Riley, Jax, Rhys, August, and Robert?" Trudy asked. "They're all too busy with each other. They don't even pay attention to the rest of us anymore."

"Here's the flour." Trudy smiled.

"Trudy!" Arielle ran in. "I've made a breakthrough!" She cheered.

Trudy walked towards her. "Well, what is it dearie?" Trudy asked. "I've booked a church for your wedding. And, my mom has finally picked our flower girl!"

"Well, who is it?"

"Fiona." Arielle smiled. "Patricia will help with the whole...walking down the aisle thing."

"Oh, dearie, you're doing great!" Trudy looked behind her, and saw MacKenzie having a hard time gathering up the ingredients for her cupcakes.

"You don't suppose you could forgive your own flesh and blood for whatever's going on?" Trudy suggested.

"She might be my flesh and blood, but she will never be a real sister to me." Arielle walked away.

Okay...harsh! If you didn't understand that, Arielle was basically saying that MacKenzie wasn't her sister anymore.

Eventually, will Arielle and Duncan forgive MacKenzie?

Will anyone else find out about Rix/Jiley's secret relationship?


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