House of Labor, Pt. 1/House of Cowardice

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"I-I can't believe I actually listened to you. How do I know you didn't lie to me to get to Charles' stuff? I got someone into trouble. This friendship-alliance-team-thing is over. This thief, this person, this coward, it's not who I am. I should've known better than to trust a complete stranger." August voiced to Rebecca.

August turned around. "What I said was true, August. If you want all the information, you're going to have to stick with me a little while longer." Rebecca negotiated.

August turned back around. "Fine. But I will not put my friends at risk anymore."

"Who's the friend?" Rebecca pried. "Sarah Rutter." He answered.


"Sarah!" All the kids practically attacked her when they arrived at the hospital. "She's been in there for two hours. You better go in there." Sarah told Riley.

Sarah smiled when she saw Rhys. They hugged.

"So, how's Charles?" Sarah asked. "Mean as ever. I'm so sorry. Everyone should've stood up for you more." Rhys answered.

"It's fine. You know I didn't do any thing, I know I didn't do anything, everything's cool." They sat down. "Why are hospital chairs so uncomfortable?" Rhys asked himself.

"You start to get used to it after two whole hours." Sarah chuckled.


"Argh!" Patricia groaned. "Eddie...what's taking so long?" She complained. She was only dilated two centimeters and she's been going through painful birth for two hours.

"Mum? Dad?" Riley came in the door. "Hey, Riles." Eddie greeted.

Patricia grabbed Eddie's shirt. "Distract me!" She demanded.

Eddie calmly made her put her hands to her sides.

"Now, Riley, you distract your mother, while I go get something to eat from the vending machine." Eddie cleared his throat, and walked out the room.

Riley held her mother's hand when she sat in a chair. "So, what's been going on with you?" Patricia asked.

"Well...I guess there's no harm in telling you, Sarah, Rhys, Robert, Leslie, and Jax have reformed your club. Sibuna."

Patricia widened her eyes. "You what?!"


"Aw, look at that," MacKenzie looked over to Rhys and Sarah who were sound asleep. "They're so meant to be, they fall asleep with each other."

"It's obvious they like each other. I mean, they're always spending time together and it was never like that when we were kids." Jax jumped in.

"And what about you?" Duncan asked. "What about me?" Jax repeated. "Who do you like?"

"I don't like girls, girls like me." Jax answered. "Oh, please. You've liked Riley since you were a fetus."

"What? Riley? What makes you think I like Riley?" Jax wondered.

"The arguments, the name calling, the flirting, and that sneaking around you guys have been doing lately." Arielle jumped in, too.

"It's exactly how Patricia and Eddie fell for each other." MacKenzie added.

"Okay, weirdos. You can think I like her, but I don't."

August quickly entered the hospital. "Am I late? Did I miss it?"

"Relax. It's not your child to see. Where were you anyway?" Jax asked.

"Somewhere." August replied. His stomach grumbled. "I'm getting something to eat."


Eddie was at the vending machine with his change, when August walked up.

"Hey, Uncle Eddie." August greeted from behind. "Hey, Duncan."

"It's August." August corrected. Eddie turned around. "Sorry. You sound just alike."

"I don't get it. We're not twins." August muttered.

Eddie got what he wanted, and stepped out of the way so August could go. "So, how's you and Arielle?" Eddie asked, opening his candy bar.

August stopped. "...We broke up."

"Aw, I'm sorry kiddo. But, you might already have her back under your arms." Eddie grinned.

August got what he wanted, turned around, and leaned on the vending machine.

"Under my arms? But, Arielle hates the smell of my armpits." August took a whiff of it, and shuddered. "I really need some deoderant."

Eddie put his face in his hands. "It's an idiom. It means you might already have her back." Eddie explained.

"How do you mean?"

"Look. When Patricia and I were going out in high school, we broke up, too. Turns out, after we did, she was still in love with me. Look where we are now."

"No, it's not like that with Arielle and I. She told me, right to my face that she still loved me, but she wasn't in love with me. Arielle and I are over." August told him.

Eddie sighed as August walked away.


The rest of the adults walked into the waiting room. "Mum, Dad!" The kids yelled.

They all hugged their parents. Rhys and Sarah woke up.

"Hey, you guys! How much is Patricia dilated?" Mara asked.

The kids looked at each other.

"No one here knows." Rhys answered.

Eddie and August came out. "Hey! What took you so long?" Eddie asked, as he hugged his friends.

"Traffic." Joy answered.

"Well, we were at home and there was no traffic when we came."

The adults looked down. "Okay, fine! We were at the mall! They were having a sale!" Amber admitted.

"How long before Patricia has her baby?  How much is she dilated?" Mick wondered.

"We've been here for three hours now, and she's only dilated two. But she must've grown more by now." Eddie turned around, and walked into the room.

Everyone else sat down.


"-why would you even think reform that club? Do you know what me and your family went through? For three years!? Disappearences, riddles, crazy Egyptian artifacts, crazy Egyptian ghosts, Rufus Zeno-"

"Who's Rufus Zeno?" Riley cut off.

Eddie walked in. "What's going on?"

"They've done it. They've found out." Patricia told him. "Who else?" Eddie asked.

"Her, Sarah, Robert, Rhys, Jax, and Leslie." Patricia answered.

"Ugh, we don't have time! How many centimeters are you dilated?"

"Four...why is this going so-argh!"

"I'm sorry, Yacker. Riley, go wait out there with the rest. I'll stay in here with your mother." Riley nodded.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far!

Do you want Arielle and August to get back together?

Does Jax like Riley?

Is Patricia having a boy or a girl?

Who do YOU think should end up together?


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