House of Parks/House of Theives

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"Oh my god."

Sibuna looked at the four coffins that were left in the room.

"Why would August take one?" Riley wondered. "Maybe he met Rebecca. She did say that she was going to make a new friend." Rhys pointed out.

"True. That woman can make you do things you don't want to." Jax said.

"But that doesn't necessarily mean August. But that brings us back to that question: why did August steal that coffin? How did he even become involved?" Rhys repeated.

Jax shivered. "Why is it so cold in here? I don't recall secret libraries having air conditioning."

Leslie realized something. "Um, guys..?" She pulled on the bookcase. Riley and Jax figured out what she was doing and tried to help her.

"I think we have bigger way out of here! We don't know the combination August put in." Leslie grunted.

1890... the voice whispered in Sarah's head.

She went over to the bookcase, and stood on her tippy toes. She put in the combination, 1890, and the door slid open.

"Lucky guess." Jax chuckled.

"We have a studying session tomorrow after school." Riley whispered. "What are you two lovebirds talking about?" Rhys asked.

"Lovebirds? Are you crazy?" Riley made a gagging noise. "Don't pretend you don't want me, dollface." Jax smirked.

"I don't. That's like...i-if...a cheeseburger decided to date a hot dog!" Riley groaned, and went far away from Jax as they snuck back up the passageway.


"It's 7:30 now, Duncan. Maybe we should skip the walk in the park, and just go back to the house." MacKenzie shrugged.

"No, I will make this the best date possible." Duncan declared.

A carriage pulled up. "Just so you know, we have a time limit, so-"

MacKenzie cut Duncan off. "I love it!" She screeched. She was so excited she turned Duncan around and kissed him.

When they pulled away, MacKenzie blushed. Duncan grinned. "Shall we?"

They got on the carriage and went back to Anubis House.


Charles went down to the cellar. He put in the code, 1890.

He saw that there was only four coffins.





Charles became furious. "Arghh!" He yelled. "Someone took Cooper!"


Rebecca smirked as she opened the coffin. Charles had kept his body preserved all these years, which was why, when she opened it, it was freezing cold.



MacKenzie and Duncan finally reached Anubis House. When they walked in, they saw all the children lined up in the common room.

"You two." Charles took two fingers and made them move towards the line.

"What's going on?" MacKenzie asked. "Charles thinks we took something that belongs to him." Riley replied.

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