Task Three: Suit Yourself

Start from the beginning

"Fifteen left, which means seven for me and eight for you?" Zahra suggests.

Kol shakes his head. "You can have eight. You'll need it."

Zahra stares back, offended. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what you think it does, love. I've beat you before, and at least this time you'll have an advantage so—"

"God so help me I'll—"

"That's settled then. I want the depressed-looking one, the wrinkly old ladies and the pretty boy over there."

"But he's a Clubs and I want the Clubs."

"Nah Z, I'll take the pretty boy and you can have the leftovers."

"What do you even want him for?" she asks in exasperation.

"He's too pretty to be with that ugly one on your team."

"I swear I'm going to kill someone."

"Be patient, Zahra, you'll get to do that later on." Seeing the tomato shade on Zahra's face, Kol smirks. "Red was never your colour, darling, but you can have one of my Spades in exchange."

"Old joke, but fine. I'll take that orange beard guy."

"Sorry, he's mine."

"Whatever. Whoever wins gets the guy. Scissors, paper, stone."

"I win."

Zahra seethes. "I'm taking that serious blonde over there then."

"Fine by me."

They exchange a last hard stare before breaking the gaze and finally acknowledging the presence of their players.

Kol clears his throat. "Once again, welcome to Texas Hold'em. Here's how it go—"

"I don't trust you anymore, Kol, I'm taking it from here." Zahra shoves him back and pushes him into the nearest chair, dusting her hands as she turns back towards the players. "Firstly, get seated round the table. All of you. Presto. Here are your teams..."


Welcome to Zahra and Kol's Poker task! Seems that Ray and Lindsay got a little carried away. Here we'll be playing Zahra's game of specialty—Texas Hold'em. If you're unsure of how to play this, we've prepared an entire chapter dedicated to explaining the ways of Hold'em, as well as linked a video. If you have any questions, please do ask!

Firstly all of you will be split into two teams as follows:

Kol's Team (Team Cinnabun)

Aoife Callahan (Diamonds)

Rafael (Diamonds)

Dawn Everhart (Diamonds)

Milo Periander (Spades)

Addilyn Devella (Spades)

Coraline Keller (Spades)

Ren Cayse (Clubs)

Zahra's Team (Team Cinnamon Roll)

Florence French (Hearts)

Blorange Orange (Hearts)

Sushi Wasabi Salmon (Hearts)

Cupcake Maybelline Sprinkles (Hearts)

Adam Burke (Clubs)

Garson Blake (Clubs)

Valentina Daley (Clubs)

Emma Smith (Spades)

The players from both teams will play a game of Texas Hold'em together, with every player being given a thousand dollars for betting. At any point during the game, the players can fold, also known as a forfeit. However, this comes with a price. Folding means that you will have to come clean about something you've never told anyone, be it the reason you came here or the fact that you murdered someone. Alternatively, you can continue playing, though this increases the risk of something else...

At the end of the River (or fourth and final) Round, one player will be the winner. Every member in the winner's team remains safe. However, the players from the losing team who are still in the game will face death. If you don't fold before a winner is decided, you are at risk of dying if the opposing team wins. If you have decided to fold earlier on, however, you aren't safe yet! To top it all off, the winning team gets to pick one other player (who has folded earlier on in the game) from the losing team to die. If you happen to be picked, so long...

The game can go however you'd like, with as many people from each team living or dying as you see fit. You can fold and own up to something, continue playing, do whatever you like. Your team could either lose or win. Your entry can be the full game, or just a certain section of it. With so many ways this game could go, we want you to unleash your creative juices and have fun mixing and matching!

SLOT MACHINES: Open. In case you missed it, the fee for slot machines has been reduced to 1 point instead of 2!

KILLS: 2 ballots and maximum 5 in-entry. 3 will die, leaving 12 of you to continue.


DEADLINE: Sunday, May 22nd, 1 PM BST

RANDOM FUN THING: The team that loses fewer members through voting is (unofficially) crowned winner. So get writing! Go Team Cinna— *shuts up*

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now