Task Three: Suit Yourself

472 20 210

March 10th, 2016; 9:00 pm: Milena Seble

It's arguably true that two individuals with distinctly similar personalities would have many disputes. It also seems reasonable that two fates could collide over the scarily similar games of Texas Hold'em and Poker.

The sound of killing is heard outside the door. Kol sits in a backroom, fingers dancing over a keyboard. His eyes are glued to a bright computer screen, its shiny surface reflecting rapt attention. He's conscious of the sound of footsteps behind him, but makes no indication of that till it stops right behind him and leans forward over his backrest.

"G'day, Princess," he says.

Zahra whacks him on the arm. "Idiot. I don't even know what you're doing here, we're supposed to be outside." There's a pause as Kol's eyes remain fixated on the glowing screen. Zahra peers at it. "What are you doing?"

"Shh," he whispers, glancing down at his keyboard and then up again.

Zahra bristles. "Answer m—"


"In my country—"

"You talk too much so be quiet for a sec, would ya?"

As expected, Zahra is visibly pissed.

Kol turns his head towards her ever-so-slightly, eyes still on the screen, and says, "I have an idea, and it's actually good."

Zahra looks apprehensive. "I doubt it."

"There was always one thing we never figured out, that thing we never told Marty Mort we weren't done with. The death toll. While all of you were outside merry-making I decided to compute them and turn them into...this." Kol closes a few tabs and moves some scraps around, revealing a collage of faces made by no amateur. The death montage. Five faces, five dead to a game of Blackjack. All the result of an Ace's creation.

Carrot Cream Bagels

Dia Monde

Dr. Henry West Jr.

Havarti Fontina

Acantha Embry


"The way Marty wanted it."

"The one thing we shoved under the rug and you picked it up. Who would've known?" she comments, regrettably sounding a little impressed.

Kol smirks. "I can't think of a comeback," said Ray.


"Alright guys, what a lovely game of blackjack that was, yes? Well, I hope you guys still have some energy to play my favorite game: Strip Poker."

Zahra swings an arm into Kol's stomach. "What he means is that we're playing a game of—"

"Come on, Z, you know you enjoyed that game we had last Wednesday."

Zahra coughs. "Well we are playing a game of Texas Hold'em," she says.

Kol shrugs. The audience looks on in confusion. "Anyway," he says, placing his palms on the table in front of him. "Two teams: my team, and the losing team."

Zahra scoffs. "You mean my team and your trashy team."

A grin. "Did you not hear me, Z? I think you've gotta get your ears cleaned."

"Just shut up, Kol."

"Anyway, let's pick them." The death montage flashes across the screen behind him. Five faces. He scans the crowd, and so does she.

Author Games: Ace of SpadesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum