Male Four - Rafael (FreedomAuthorGames)

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Name: Rafael, however this is not his real name

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Appearance: Tall dark and handsome, you might call him that. But one look into his eyes will show you a different story. His eyes show only coldness and his mouth never twists up into a smile.

Personality: What personality? He has none. Rafael never laughs, cries, jokes or yells. He is impassive and hardly ever speaks. When he does it is in a tone so soft you have to strain your ears to hear.

Background: He has told no-one his history, and he never will. His mother is dead as is his father. No one knows where he lives or works but it is hinted that he is involved in an occupation not quite legal.

Motivation: To put it simply, Revenge.

Suit: Diamond

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu