Female Nine - Dawn Everhart (TheShineOfTheMoon)

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Name: Dawn Everhart

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Appearance: A darker shade of chestnut brown, Dawn's hair cascades down her back in soft waves. Her long hair is parted to the sides to reveal a radiant face. A soft natural blush painting her cheeks, Dawn's skin is flawless and smooth. Her lips are a matching shade of pink, often wearing a genuine smile. Its charm is as pure as Dawn's eyes, whose color is just as vibrant as her personality. They are an emerald green, like spring's blooming plants. While they are an intense shade of green, they also encompass compassion, and shine with kindness despite the bold and intimidating look they emit. They sparkle with determination and dedication, and are often calculating outcomes and chances. While almost anyone in the business can read Dawn's entire life by gazing into her eyes, she can read theirs just as easily. At a healthy height of 5' 7'', Dawn is slightly slender for her age. In terms of the beauty spectrum, she easily stands further on the prettier side because her looks alone can win over a number of people.

Personality: While also being a sweetheart, Dawn also has the brains to complete any challenge thrown at her. Her intellectual level is at the highest percentage, and she can calculate chances and probabilities quickly. Maybe that's way she knows when to take a risk, because she's always benefitted from her choices. Despite being a smart aleck, Dawn also is a caring girl who is often displaying kindness and generosity to others. Unlike most at her intelligence level, she is never a blunt, and has a lot more positive emotions. She's isn't shy, and talks when she needs to do. She knows how to get a job done, and her motto is, "When there's a will, there's a way." She has the determination and brains to win any game she competes in. 

Background: Growing up, Dawn had everything she needed. Her family lived in the richer parts of town, and had lots of money to go by. Her father was rarely home, often on business trips or at important meetings. But her mother was always there for her, being the one caring parental figure in her life. So some say she got her brains from her father, and her kindness from her mother. She got a good education, and she excelled in school.

Dawn's life was perfect- until the fighting started. When her father was at home, he would be verbally fighting with her mother, and eventually the words became hits. He abused her mother nonstop, and came so close to hurting Dawn too. Her mother stopped that, and eventually they got a divorce. The only problem with that was that her mother didn't have a job, and soon they became low on money. The pair lived in a small apartment, and Dawn started sneaking into casinos in high school. She didn't even get a chance to go to college, because she was earning money for herself and her mother. She didn't want to leave her only remaining family member behind and alone. Her mother started working too, doing small jobs like being a waitress.

It was a few years after the divorce when it it happened. Cancer struck Dawn's mother, and it hit the family of two like a train. Dawn had to work twice as hard, picking up a day job while going to the casinos at night, and it was only to survive. It got harder for Dawn, especially with her mother's medical bills piling up.

Motivation: Dawn's mother is suffering, and Dawn doesn't have enough money to pay her bills. She hopes to win the million dollars to pay off the medical bills, and give her mother the life she deserves.

Suit: Diamonds

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now