Chapter 5 - Ghosts Of Our Past

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Should be longer as I am home from my holiday in sunny Queensland right back down to fucking stormy Melbourne... it's amazing I know.

AnYwAy I HAVE WIFI AGAIN *crowd cheers* So i'll be able to update more often again :)

~ Skylar xx

Jai's POV

*The Next Day*

I paced around the room worryingly, wondering where the fuck Luke would be. It's been nearly a day, and we haven't had any contact with him at all. Most people wouldn't care, he's a teenager, we do this shit. But nothing like this ever comes out good in this family, and I mean NEVER.

Mum was with Beau at the hospital still, as they were doing a scan of some sort, so I was left by myself, worrying my ass off. I've texted Tyler a lot too, seeings as he seems to know more about Luke than I do right now. He's actually kinda okay now I guess, maybe I should have just got to know him.

Oh wait, I couldn't, he was a dick...

The door opened, me thinking it was Luke, so I automatically ran to the door, hugging whoever was there. Don't judge me okay I hate him but he's blood. "Um Jai?" I jumped back, seeing Tyler in front of me, his face bright red. "Jesus!" He laughed. "No, it's just me." I rolled my eyes, and rubbed my neck awkwardly. "If you wanted to hug me you could have just said so."

I scoffed, before leading him into the kitchen. "Any sign of him?" Tyler sadly shook his head. It was like he was actually, truly worried about him. "Nope, but I have something else." My head shot up. "What?" He handed me his phone, it was a text from Leon. "I don't think it was for my eyes." He muttered, my eyes widening as I read it.

To: Tyler

From: Leon

I have him meet me at 8 at the park... dont keep me waiting.

This left me confused. "Who could he be talking too?" Tyler shrugged, pouring himself a drink. "I don't know, but we have to find out." I gulped, knowing exactly what he meant. "We're going aren't we?" He nodded, his eyes brimming with excitement. "Do you want to find Luke, or not?" I eventually gave in. "Okay, what's the plan."

He looked like he was thinking for a second. "Well, we could just arrive before 8, then hide somewhere Leon and whoever can't see us, and go on from there." I bit my lip, checking the clock that read 6. "We have 2 hours." Tyler threw me my keys. "Better early than late."


We've been waiting here for what seemed like ages, Tyler, who i'd noticed was a very patient person, was even getting bored. "Can we just go?" I muttered, playing with the grass I was sitting on. "Do I have to keep on saying it? Do. You. Want. To. Find. Your. Brother?" I sighed, knowing he was right every time he said it.

After a few more minutes waiting in the slight rain, a car pulled up, one that Tyler explained was Leon's. Leon suddenly came into view, standing in the middle of the park, right in front of the bushed Tyler and I were behind. We constantly checked his phone, like he was nervous or something.

Some headlights flashed in the distance, a black Commodore coming into view. "You've got to be joking." I mumbled, Tyler looking at me weird. "I'll explain later." Footsteps sounded on the wet grass, a dark figure soon standing in front of an uneasy looking Leon.

"You got him." Leon nodded, all of his usual confidence gone. "Drugged at the house." The man laughed, me noticing goosebumps on my arms as he did. Everything this guy did was familiar to me, but why? "So, where's my pay?" Leon asked, the man going angry. "Who said anything about pay? Your fucking father was meant to do this, not you!"

This caught Leon off guard, as he suddenly fell silent. The man took a swing at Leon, who was then on the ground, holding his nose in pain. "Serves your big mouth right." The man muttered, pulling off the hoodie he was wearing, my blood running cold.

Everything fell numb as I saw him. This couldn't be happening, this actually physically can not be happening. He's dead, I saw him, he fucking died, he was burried, I was at his funeral, how, how, how?! I then stayed completely silent, knowing if I even breathed too loud he would hear.

"You can come out now Jaidon." He hissed, me and Tyler exchanging worried glances. "How did he-" Tyler began to say, before being dragged out onto the damp grass by dad. "Jaidon!" He cooed, me standing up, eyeing down the man that should be dead.

"This isn't real." He laughed, his face suddenly hardening. "Oh it is, you didn't think I had a back up plan?" I raised an eyebrow, his mood changing again, a smug smirk creeping on his lips. "Kyle Brooks died in that fire, not me." I'm officially mind fucked what was he on about.

"For god sakes Jaidon! If you and Luke are twins, that means other members in your family are too!" I took a step back, my eyes widening. "Holy fuck." He laughed. "Holy fuck indeed." He began to move towards me, me backing up even more. "But, how did you-" "I had a feeling I wouldn't survive that day, so I asked Kyle to fill in for me."

Tyler looked so confused as we kept on talking. "But the doctors confirmed that you were dead. It was YOU!" "I have people on the inside Jai, I used them to make you fucks all believe I was dead." I felt a headache coming on, as I tripped and fell flat on my ass.

"So, Kyle hurt L-Luke as well?" He scoffed. "Don't be stupid, that was all me, Kyle was too soft to do that." "So you killed him instead." Dad clapped in my face, pulling me up to my feet, the grip he had on my wrist getting tighter and tighter each second. I winced as he leaned down to my ear. "I am going to finish what I started Jai, you know I will. I already have Luke, i've fucked his brain again, so he'll have no choice but to stay with me."

He threw me to the ground, stepping on my throat, my whole body beginning to burn up. I caught Tyler's gaze. He looked like he wanted to help, me eyes telling him not too, he would have no chance. "You'll be hard though, so will Gina, and there's no point taking Beau, he's dead anyway-" I didn't need to hear anymore, as absolutely lost it at this.

I grabbed his leg, and twisted it the wrong way, causing him to cry out in pain. I pushed him to the ground, scampering up to my feet, running and helping Tyler up, before sprinting as fast as I could to Leon's car, that was still on.

Shit, Leon.

I stopped Tyler, who was panting like crazy. "We can't, leave, Leon." I managed to say, my breathing rapid. "WHAT?! Yes we can!" I shook my head, running back over, as he was the only one that could help us with Luke's whereabouts. I looked around, dad not anywhere to be seen.

I helped Leon up, but he just pushed me away. "Stay away Brooks," He warned, shoving me away. "You'll just end up hurt, or even better, dead." He pushed me away, before running off into the darkness, obviously after dad. I quickly made my way back to my car, Tyler in the drivers seat, ready to go.


I collapsed on the couch, Tyler's eyes wide with worry. "That's your dad." He said, not one emotion in his voice, his face pale, me nodding. "Your dead fucking dad?" I sat up, nodding again, Tyler sitting down next to me. "You heard what he said, so I don't have to repeat it?" "Yeah, and I thought Leon was crazy." He said, me laughing. "Well you obviously haven't met the one and only Rick Brooks then."

We fell silent, me going deep into thought, only 1 thing on my mind.

How the fuck am I going to tell mum about this?



~Skylar xx

Everything's Changed - Sequel to The Same Janoskians/Luke and Jai Brooks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now