Chapter 4 - Trouble

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This story gets right into drama and shit this time.

~Skylar xx

Jai's POV

"LUKE WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed, anger taking over, my fist connecting with Luke's face. He fell over glaring at me, and stormed out of the room. Beau was on the bed, not struggling to breath, but instead sobbing madly.

"HE ACTUALLY WANTS ME TO DIE!" He screamed, picking up the lamp and throwing it at the wall. "Beau calm down." James said, putting his hand on Beau's shoulder, him just shoving him away with the strength he had at the moment."Call Gina." Daniel said worried, me quickly dialing mums number and explaining what happened.

After a lot more crying and screaming, Beau just letting all the anger he had in him out, he finally calmed down just as mum came in the door. She didn't say anything, just pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "He hates me." He muttered, mum stroking his hair. "You haven't done anything to him for him to hate you babe." Beau let more tears fall. "I did."

Mum pulled away, giving him a stern look. "Getting this disease wasn't your fault Beau, and it shouldn't affect Luke anyway. He's just being a fucking dickhead and can't handle it, end of story." My eyes widened. You rarely hear mum swear unless it about something important, and this obviously now is. "But-" "Beau Peter Brooks for the last time this ISN'T your fault!"

After that we stayed quiet, even Beau. We all just sat there, me, of all people worrying about what Luke was going to do.

Tyler's POV

I stood outside the hospital, looking for any sign of Luke. I knew he'd be upset, I heard what happened, so he obviously needed someone, that someone being me. I began to worry, as I swear I saw Leon's car drive by, but I couldn't see through the windows, as they were tinted. "Where's Luke?" I heard Jai ask behind me. I just shrugged, looking around, trying to see him again.

He sighed, and sat down on the pavement. "I just don't want him to do anything stupid." I nodded, not knowing exactly how to properly talk to Jai. I've always been a dick to him, we've always hated each other, so I actually do not know what to say. "Yeah." I replied, sitting down near him, not next to him though, that would be weird.

"So you're..." He trailed off, like it was hard for him to say. "I don't care if you say it Jai, I really don't." His hard look seemed to soften. "You're gay. Tyler Walters, the mean kid from Penola that I have been shit scared of ever since I can remember is gay, and actually seems like a half decent person." I nodded, smiling at the last thing he said.

I then began to explain why I was so cruel to him, and the whole Leon and me and Luke thing. It was like word vomit again, he just seemed like someone you could easily talk to. Like a friend. It was a foreign concept to me, a friend. I have always had fake people around me, so I don't fully know the meaning of the word.

He stayed quiet after I finished talking, obviously taking it all in. "I am really sorry I was a cunt, I actually now wish I was nice to you, we'd actually get along if it wasn't for him." He just smiled, then asked a question I wasn't quite ready to answer. "So you love Luke?" I froze.

Love is a strong word, and for you to truly love someone, you have to know that person loves you back... and Luke unfortunately does not. I simply shook my head. "I like him, not love him." I said in a hushed tone. Jai suddenly laughed, quickly covering his mouth. "I'm sorry I just, I never thought i'd be asking a guy if he loved my brother."

My heart sank a little, but I knew I deserved it. I put him through hell, I deserved some payback, even if he didn't know it himself.

He then asked something else that took me off guard a little. "Do you know why Luke has been acting this way?" I took a deep breath, hesitantly shaking my head. I knew, I actually knew way too much, but I couldn't tell, Jai wouldn't be able to handle it. "Oh." He said, slightly disappointed. "I'm just worried you know, he's really scaring me, and I can't do anything to help him." I put my hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine, it always turns out fine, doesn't it?" He nodded, then stayed quiet.

Luke's POV

*A couple minutes before*

I threw my fist at the wall outside the hospital. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I do that? Why do I do anything anymore? I sighed, and sunk to my knees, my hands on my head. I'm a mess, and I don't even know why.

"Well you do." Someone said in front of me. Shit, did I say that out loud? I looked up and saw his blue eyes piercing into my own. "What are you doing here?" I spat, standing up, seeing the familiar brown and blonde streaked haired boy. "Tyler said you'd be here the fag." I glared at him, before attempting to walk off, him stopping me.

"Leon, get the fuck off me." He laughed, before pulling me away to an alley way, right near the hospital. He slammed me into the wall, his eyes filled with crazy, like always. "We could be a good team, Luke. Leon and Luke, head of the school, just imagine it." I scoffed loudly, getting a kick in the gut. "What about Tyler?"

He shook his head. "He's softening up, but you, you aren't." Well I know where this is going. "Come and meet my friends, do a little of what we do, become one of us, you won't regret it." Leon was a druggie, you could just tell by looking at him, so I wasn't agreeing. "No." He suddenly grabbed me by the neck, a knife in his hands. "Do what I say or I swear to god i'll hurt you worse than your dad ever did!" He spat, holding the knife in front of my face.

I didn't know what to do, what should I do? He was crazy, I knew he would hurt me. And he wouldn't just hurt me, it would be Beau and Jai, probably even mum and Lala. I sighed, finally giving in. "O-Okay." He smirked, and patted me on the back. "There we go." He lead me to a car, and drove quickly to the outskirts of town, otherwise known as the bad side of Glenroy. "Great." I muttered to myself. "What have I gotten myself into now."

We eventually arrived at a run down house, well, more of a shack looking thing. "No one's home." He muttered, getting out of the car, me hastily following. He must of noticed my awkwardness, as he put his hand on my shoulder, trying to reasurre me. "It's fine Lukey, many people do this shit and come out fine," He trailed off, mumbling what sounded like mostly. "Oh, great." I said nervously, stepping into the house that reminded me so much of my old home.

We walked into the dirty and gross kitchen, someone passed out, and hopefully not dead, in the hallway. Leon dug through some drawers, groaning as he probably couldn't find what he wanted. "The bathroom." He said, leading me upstairs, smirking as he found a little bottle in the sink.

"Take it." Leon mutteres, handing me a small blue pill. I shook my head, my palms sweating like crazy. "Not again, I can't-" "YES YOU CAN!" He screamed, pushing the chair I was sitting in over, and shoving the pill into my mouth. I coughed as he pressed down on my throat so I swallowed it. "What... what was it?" I managed to say. He shrugged. "Dunno."

My eyes widened. "WHAT?!" Leon grabbed my arm, pulled me up, and dragged me to a room with only a bed in it, flashbacks of my childhood entering my mind. "What are you doing?" He shoved me to the ground, grabbing a rope and tying me to the bed, that looked as if it was concreted into the ground.

"Finishing what your dad couldn't." I felt my breath hitch in my throat. "You're joking?" He laughed, and patted me on the back. "My dad used to play poker with him when he was in Melbourne, so they were close. Anyway, dad got a call before he died, saying, and I quote 'If I don't make it out of this, finish the job.' So guess what i'm doing, seeings as dad is incapable of doing such a thing."

I suddenly felt sick, my head beginning to thump. "Please, don't do this, I don't feel well-" "That's just the drug settling in." He laughed, before slamming my head into the metal pole on the bed. "Have a good trip, don't scream too much Brooks." This scared me, a lot. Where the hell was my family when I needed them? Oh wait, that's right, hating my guts, one imparticular.



What do you want to happen,

I NEEEEEEED ideas c:

~ Skylar xx

And that new Tomorrow Morning on channel 69 is fucking gold,

They're our boys remember?

Everything's Changed - Sequel to The Same Janoskians/Luke and Jai Brooks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now