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  The plan was to meet them already in the morning and have lunch with them. In the afternoon we would spent some time also with them getting ready for the concert and doing a meet&greet with their but also some of 2 Lemonade Mouth fans.

Yes, the concert. We would play with them in a pretty big auditorium where almost 2,000 people could fit in.

We had never performed in front of that much people. Not with our idols, either! The thought of that made me tremble.

  I wasn't wrong to think that it would be one of the best daya I have ever lived. They took us to the restaurant we were going go meet Bridgit Mendler (Olivia White in the movie), Blake Michael (Charlie Delgado), Hayley Kiyoko (Stella Yamada), Adam Hicks (Wendell "Wen" Gifford) and Naomi Scoot (Mohini "Mo" Banjaree).

"Hi!" they saluted us with big smiles and hugs.

"We've heard a lot about you" Bridgit said.

"Yeah, you're very famous, guys" Adam said.

We immediately struck up a funny and fluid coversation with them, even though the shyness impeded it to us at first. Even Stella got wordless for few seconds! Because having people who you admired and who had been so far until then is so incredible and magical it makes you pretty stunned, to be honest.

They were as friendly and affectionate as I had imagined. We talked about many different things. Our lives, theirs, our band and how we had gotten there and, of course, about Lemonade Mouth. We also ate a lot.

  Later, they took us all in a square where there was a circle surrounded by a guardrails. We would go walking on its internal side talking, taking pictures and giving some autographs to all the boys and girls who would be at the other side and who had come to see us, most of us already waiting for the show.

  It lasted four hours. We didn't need the bodyguards at all. Fortunately, everyone was very respectful and kind.

  Then, we went to the place where we were going to perform together. We didn't practice much, to be honest, we and the Lemonade Mouth guys preferred it to be pretty improvised.

The only thing we did was deciding what songs we were going to play and in which order besides some extra suggestions.

  That was when I could see that Hayley wasn't as different as the character of Stella. She was very creative and original too. She was also witty, although her jokes weren't as funny as she thought sometimes. She was a peculiar but very nice girl, though.

Bridgit was quiet but funny. She looked very mature and sensible, focused and ready for what she was going to do.

Adam was surprisingly more aloof. I must confess it disappointed me a little at first. But still he eradiated talent and inspiration and he was very correct and polite.

Then there was Charlie, the youngest of the group. The group of actors, of course. They all cared so much about him and he was okay with that. He was the one with the most similar age to ours so he was also edgy and playful. We cried while laughing with him.

Finally, there was Naomi, so much less quiet than I had imagined. It was easy to see how excited she was to do that and she really wanted to have fun.

  Hayley was wearing a very appropiate t-shirt for that moment: her famous "Question? Authority" t-shirt she had worn in the movie and which was obviously going to make a splash to the crowd.

  It all finally started. The lights of the stage went off and the crowd started to shout so loud. By the time they were turned on again we were already there with a powerful: "BE HEARD, BE STRONG, BE PROUD!!!" which was also screed on the stage's background where there will be also screened the lyrics and other visualizations according to each song.

LEMON HEAD (English version) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now