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  Fortunately, summer came quicklier than I had expected.

I remember saying goodbye to my mother and Victor just before getting on the plane that would take us to New Jersey city from the american state which its name was the same. That was our first stop.

We would arrive there that Monday afternoon, we would take a short break and rest a little bit after the long flight and we would perform at nine o'clock in the evening at the Joseph Lawrence Park.

We would sleep in the 2 Lemonade Mouth's official van which the record label had could afford thanks to the money we earned and brought to them. It was the vehicle we would travel by during those weeks.

  The truth is that that little van hadn't been really expensive. The customization had been, in fact, the cheapest thing.

They had bought that van on a second-hand car dealership although it was in perfect condition. At first, it was completely white but since it wad for us the intention was that it never stopped promoting us wherever its wheels went to.

It was the five of us the ones who painted and decorated us as we wanted to, following few briefings and a non-very-strict but clear pattern created by one of our team's designers.

The vand was all yellow just like lemons.

We had painted the same drawing of our first and at the moment last album's mask (our five black-and-white faces decorated with many shadows and a huge slice of lemon on the background) on the hood of the car.

The wheels looked just like that slice of lemon.

The rest of the van was full of drawings of lemons, glasses full of lemonade and our names written in different typefaces.

On the roof, there was the name of the band, "2 Lemonade Mouth" with the "os" also drawn with the shape of a slice of lemon and written in powerful and somehow citrous typefaces.

  The thing is that the next day we would go to Washington in the american state called Virginia, where we would stay during the day and play on that city's theatre at night.

  The Wednesday after having left Washington and having spent almost ten hours in the van we would arrive in Nashville, Tennesse's capital in the morning. We would perform at The Stage Of Broadway, a little bar where there was always live music althought it was mostly country music. We would give them something different then.

We would have the whole afternoon to take a rest until seven o'clock when we would start to drive to Franklin, a city that was also in Tennesse and which was only half an hour drive from Nashville as it was actually a suburb of Nashville. Franklin was the city where the band called Paramore's vocalist, Hayley Williams, had moved to when she was thirteen years old and it was also where that band had born.

That night in Franklin we didn't do it good at all because of how exhausted we were after having travelled so much. We were always sitting down in the van, of course, but we could feel the exhaustion anyway.

  Besides our manager there were also two drivers who worked in shifts with us.

But luckily, there were some days off lie ahead although we would also have to stay in the van.

  We spent the whole Thursday inside that small vehicle, specially playing cards and sleeping.

We arrived in Lincoln, Nebraska almost thirteen hours later after we had left Franklin. Thirteen hours plus all the times we had stopped to eat and stretch our legs.

At least we luckily could sleep in a comfortable and lush hotel of there.

  But the next day we'd travel fourteen hours more before we got to Salt Lake City, in the state of Utah.

We didn't perform there, either. We would do it on Saturday in Las Vegas, Nevada, a city which was just six hours drive from Salt Lake City.

That show was when we could feel the little but enough rest we had taken those last days.

We played many songs of our own album and also some covers of other bands and artists. We had already played some stuff by most of them in Little Stars.

I would proudly say that it was one of the best shows we played during the whole tour. We all were really happy and proud of it.

  We finally went to the most iteresting place to the five of us: Los Angeles, California. It was were they had organized our meeting with the actors of Lemonade Mouth. We all were so excited! We were convinced that it was going to be one of the best days of our lives.

The only catch was the writer of the books Mark Peter Huges wasn't going to be there. We didn't know if it was because of his work or any other reason, the thing is that he had refused to go, at least that was what Disney Channel and the other organizers of the event told us.

In fact, Disney Channel wanted to embrace the fact that all the guys of Lemonade Mouth would meet again and they were going to record it. They thought their audience would increase a lot thanks to that.

  Los Angeles was four hours drive from Las Vegas so we left early so that we could arrive at 12pm more than less.

Three hours left to meet our idols. My heart was about to explode and I could also feel the guys' excitement and happiness fluttering inside the van.

The only thing I hoped was not to die of a heart attack before I could meet those people who had meant and were still mean that much to me.

We were already on our way.

Only three hours.

Well, as you can see they are going to achieve their dream soon!

Thanks for reading this fanfic, it means a lot to me, it'd mean even more if you commented and told me what you think about it.

Hugs for everyone and thank you so much for everything!

Follow me on twitter: ✘Dead!✘ (@laguipikiyokian): https://twitter.com/laguipikiyokian?s=09

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