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After that, I went upstairs to my room a little happier. I felt that I had a lot of energy and I even did my homework for the weekend. I ate the lentils I had for lunch gourmandy although I hated them.

Once I had had lunch, I came back to my room to read and study and, before having dinner, I went to the bathroom to have a shower. It was then when, while I was putting my pants off, I realized that there was a little paper in one of the backside pockets of the wear. There was mobile phone number written in it. How could the paper have got there? Who was that number from?

Suddenly, the hug that I had given to Charlie that morning came to my mind. In that moment, he put his hands on my back, so he could have had the change to put the paper in my pocket without any problem just if he had moved his hands a little down. In fact, I probably wouldn't have noticed it because all the emotions and sensations of that moment.

Yes, it was probably from Charlie, although I was too shy to call him or even send him a message. I would wait, by the moment.

It was Sunday aternoon and I hadn't called him or even used the number for anything already. Then I thought that maybe he had wanted to know my number but he hadn't dared to ask it to me. Although even that thought didn't convince me, I decided to send him a message just to let him know my number so he could call or text me whenever he wanted to.

"Hello, I'm Leila!" I wrote. So this way I could also assure that the number belonged to Charlie because if it was his, he would answer back, and if not, I wouln't get any answer or someone would ask more about my identity.

It even surprised me the fact that I waited for any answer so anxious. In the end, it was the first time since long ago that I texted someone who wasn't a relative or for some reason that wasn't urgent.

Two hours -that seemed endless to me- later, I finally got the answer wich I had been waiting for:

"Hey, Leila! Finally you texted me! Would you like to come to my house about six o'clock? The others will be there too."

I told my mother that I was going to finish a work in group for the school to a girl's house because the library was closed on Sunday and because there wasn't any other believable excuse that came to my mind.

I knocked on Charlie's house's door with shame. But his mother received me very friendly, pointing me to go to the cellar, where the others were.

All of them welcomed me with big smiles and even a few hugs. Some minutes later I didn't feel so insecure and I think that even the guys noticed that I didn't involve as mousy as other times.

We talked a little about the school complaining about the teachers, we talked about music, types of instruments... Then Robert said:

-Well, what about playing a song guys?

-Do I have to sing again? -I asked so nervous.

-Well, if you can play any other instrument... -said Mariah.

-No, the truth is that I can't -I said touching my nose, a gesture that I did every time I was nervous-. Although I'd like to learn how to play the guitar... -I looked at the floor mousy, after confessing that. I don't know why, I felt so ashamed everytime I talked to people about what I really wanted to do. Perhaps it was because I was afraid of their reaction, if they laughed at it or thought that I was crazy. Although there wasn't any reason, the thing is that I felt uncomfortable doing it.

-Well, we'll talk about how we can fix this later. Now, come on! -Stella answered.

We played a song called Somebody, wich talked about fighting for your dreams, fighting with the ones around you, about that someday we'll be something together...

So... were they my friends? Did they love me? Did I love them? Would we be a real band someday, would we be who or what we wanted and make come true an only dream together? It wasn't impossible.

It had been a long time since I wasn't any positive, so I tried to enjoy that moment, convinced that since then, everything would be alright like it had been the last weeks.

It's true that there's always a spark of hope when all we see is darkness, but is also true that there's always a little spot of misery when it seems that there's only light around us.

LEMON HEAD (English version) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now