I creep silently down to the stairs. My eyes caught Winn standing in front of the sofa; he was holding an open book on his left hand while his other hand was grazing at the small drawer of the end table near the sofa. Something inside the drawer gleam from the sun rays and if I hear it right, I've heard a quiet clatter, before he pushes the drawer back.

He then spun around, sat on the sofa and resume on reading his book, still oblivious of my presence. I walk towards him, I made sure that my footsteps were audible, enough to catch his attention and yet, his attention is still stuck on the book he's reading. I sat beside him, glancing at him momentarily and stubbornly waiting for him to give me his attention.

5 minutes has passed and yet, not even once, he took a glimpse at me. What's up with him? Why is he ignoring me? I recall our last night's encounter. For the very first time, last night, he told me that he'll be sleeping back at his own room and that's kinda a relief for me. Before he left my room, being as pushy and annoying as I was, I told him to stay for at least several seconds beside me until I fall asleep.

Of course, it was only part of my acting to persuade him that I really do love him. As far as I remember, we're in good terms but now it makes me wonder, why is he ignoring me? Did my acting sucks? Was it noticeably fake and forced? Ahh. I don't understand this guy. He was the one who want to stick with me and now he is ignoring me? Tsk.

The living room consist only a wide sofa in the middle which can hold at least 5 people and few tables. There are no electronics or some sort, I think that's also the reason why the sofa is facing the terrace, so the only view someone can see is the vast ocean and the sky.

I peered at the book he's reading. The book was written in Latin... more of like, " Romanian?" I whispered loudly.

I saw Winn's lips curled. He didn't say anything but instead he switched his book to his right hand and crawl his left hand to hold my hand.

"You can read Romanian?"

He nodded.

How many languages does he know? Or how many of his abilities do I still not know? I didn't realize that I was scowling at him this whole time. "How did you learn that language?"

He squeezed my hand. "Erlinda taught me. She's half Romanian."

"Isn't that the same place where Dracula was known?

Again, he nodded, still not leaving his gaze from the book. I knew it! That makes sense. I knew that that old lady has an evil blood surging deep into her veins and to her family.

Staring intently at his book, I tilt my head, so that my temple would be on top of his right shoulder. I felt him stiffened for a second until his body finally relaxed. He continued reading few more pages before I sense him tilting his head, looking at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, meeting his eyes.

He lips lifts up into a sensual smile, "Aren't I supposed to ask that? You can't understand what I'm reading; still, you read the texts as I flip the pages."

Was that meant to be an insult? "I don't know." Why did I even stay longer beside him? I already knew that he was too busy reading his Romanian book and that I should have hurried back to my room after knowing so. But still, I stayed beside him, looking a complete idiot, who's staring dumbfounded at a foreign book.

I jolted out of my thoughts and I freeze for a moment, locking my eyes to Winn who seemed to be occupied too with his own playful thoughts. His grip onto my hand tightens while his eyes flickered in sensual excitement. He dropped his smile, twitching his lips while staring softly at me. Then... he began to lean forward.

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