Chapter 1

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I brought my horse Clancy to a halt, swung my right leg over his hindquarters, and slid down to the ground. Gathering the reins in my hand, I gave his neck a pat and led him into the stable. The scent of horse, manure, and hay permeated the air. After years of being around horses and barns, I was used to the smells.

"Okay, Clancy, my love." I stopped him in front of his stall and gave him a peck on his nose. "Let's get that saddle off you and then I'll see about getting you a snack. How does a nice juicy apple sound?"

"Would you like some help with the saddle?"

I turned at the sound of the male voice and found the owner of the stables standing there. Gabe Winters was his name. He was your typical cowboy. Dirty boots, jeans, work shirt, and cowboy hat. I smiled at him. "Hello, Gabe. I'd love some help."

"Did you enjoy your ride?" he asked, going to work on undoing the saddle straps.

"I did." I unfastened the reins and then gently took the bit out of Clancy's mouth. "I wish I could take him out more often, but my job keeps me busy."

"What kind of job do you have?" he asked, glancing at me over Clancy's back.

"I'm a personal assistant to a Mr. Reed Drummond." I carefully removed the bridle from the horse's head. "He owns a chain of department stores."

"I've heard of him," Gabe muttered. "I think I read an article about him in the newspaper, something about a charity event he was holding."

"He raises money for various charities," I told him. "He's a very generous man."

"He can afford to be," Gabe pointed out dryly.

"True," I agreed.

Once Gabe was finished taking off the saddle we headed to the tack room. While he put the saddle away, I hung the reins and the bridle on pegs. There was a metal bucket of brushes and combs at my feet and I bent down to retrieve it. At that moment, Gabe's cell phone rang. He unhooked it from his belt and glanced at the caller ID.

"I better take this," he said. "Please, excuse me."

"Of course." We left the tack room together. He went one way and I went the other. Clancy was where I had left him, standing by his stall. He had his head down and was sniffing the ground. His tail was flicking from side to side. I put down the bucket, grabbed a brush, and started working on his coat.

When I was done grooming Clancy, I opened the door and ushered him into his stall. He went willingly and I closed and latched the door. I leaned against the stall and caressed him between the eyes. He bumped me lightly with his velvet nose, "You like that, don't you, boy?"

My eyes roamed over him and a feeling of sadness came over me. His face was showing signs of aging. My friend was getting old. I kissed him on the nose and prayed to God that he would let me keep my old friend with me for many more years.

"Before I go let me get that apple I promised you." I left him and headed back to the tack room, where Gabe kept a refrigerator. Opening the door, I pulled out a drawer and snatched up an apple. I pushed the drawer back in, closed the fridge door, and went back to Clancy.

Who's Your Boss? (Original Version) Revised version available in eBook/paperbackWhere stories live. Discover now