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5 years later . . .

It was after seven-thirty when I let myself into the house. I set my briefcase and keys on the table by the door and headed to the family room. Winnie wasn't there. Leaving the room, I walked through the entrance hall, up the stairs, and down the hallway.

I entered the nursery and discovered Winnie. She was sitting in the recliner nursing our two-month-old son, Sean. Smiling at the sight, I moved toward them. As I drew near, she raised her head and smiled at me. I bent down and kissed her on the mouth. "Hey, Mommy," I muttered.

"Hi, Daddy," she said. "How was your day?"

"It was busy." I caressed the top of the baby's head with the back of my hand. "How's our little one doing?"

"He's doing just fine," she answered.

"I'm going to sneak across the hall and kiss Chloe goodnight," I told her.

"You better," she mumbled. "She was upset that you weren't here to tuck her in. I promised her you would be in to see her when you got home."

I slipped out of the nursery and went across the hall to Chloe's room. Her night light was on, casting a warm glow. Starbucks, who was curled up at the foot of the bed, lifted his head off his paws and looked at me with bright eyes. I scratched him under the chin and he started purring.

"Daddy?" Chloe croaked.

"Hey, pumpkin." I kissed my three-year-old on the forehead and sat down on the side of her bed. She climbed onto my lap, snuggling close. Love surging within me, I wrapped my arms around her and buried my nose in her hair. She had my blond hair and Winnie's gray eyes. "Were you a good girl for Mommy?"

"Yep," she whispered.

"What did you do today?" I asked.

Chloe leaned her head back and gazed up at me. "Mommy took me and Sean to the park. I fell off the merry-go-round."

"Ouch." I grimaced. "I bet it hurt." She pulled the sleeve of her nightgown up and showed me her elbow. The skin was red and starting to bruise. I gently pressed a kiss to her elbow and tugged her sleeve back down. "Do you have anymore boo-boos?" She showed me her knee and I kissed the scraped skin. "All better?"

"Yep," she responded, nodding her head.

"Then back under the covers you go." I helped her slide under the covers and tucked them in around her. "I will see you in the morning. I love you."

"Love you, Daddy."

I touched her cheek with my finger and then left the bedroom, leaving the door opened enough for Starbucks to come and go as he pleased. Retracing my steps to the nursery, I found Winnie standing over the crib looking down at the baby. I joined her at the crib and slipped an arm around her.

"We make beautiful children," she commented.

"Yes, we do," I agreed with her.

Winnie jerked her head in the direction of the door. "Let's go before we wake him up."

I kissed Sean on the head and followed Winnie from the room. We went downstairs to the family room, where we settled on the couch.

"Did you have dinner?" she asked me.

"Yes." I propped my feet up on the coffee table and laid my head back against the cushion. "I sent out for a sandwich and a salad. I wanted a burger and fries, but I heard your voice in my head telling me I needed to eat something healthier." I smirked. "Even in my head you're calling the shots."

"What can I say?" Winnie said. "I am your boss."

I grabbed her and hauled her onto my lap. "Is that right?"

"That's right." She nuzzled my jaw. "You would do well to remember that."

Sighing heavily, I closed my eyes. "Anything new? I all ready know about Chloe's tumble off the merry-go-round."

"I talked to Faith," she mumbled. "She was a little depressed. Jack's turning thirteen next week. She told me she feels like he's growing up too fast. I have to agree with her. It seems like just yesterday he was a little boy and now he's going to be a teenager."

"Time flies by quickly, sweetheart."

"Yes, it does." Winnie cleared her throat. "She said Laura's doing well in school and Nathan is slowly driving her insane."

I grinned. Laura was their five-year-old and Nathan their two-year-old. "He's a mini Carter."

"That he is," she said, her voice filled with laughter. "I wonder who Sean will take after when he gets older."

"I'm hoping it's you." I brushed my lips across her temple. "Have I thanked you lately for making me the happiest man in the world?"


I tilted her head back and looked into her eyes. "Thank you, Winnie, for making me the happiest man in the world."

She touched my lips with her fingertips. "You're welcome, my love, and thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world."

"My pleasure." I lowered my head and our lips met. No more words were needed.


Well, there you go. I hope you all enjoyed the story. Thank you for sticking with it to the end. It means a lot to me that you took the time to give it your support. :)

Who's Your Boss? (Original Version) Revised version available in eBook/paperbackWhere stories live. Discover now