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Josh quickly jumped off the bed and pulled his pants back up, hooking his belt into place. He heard a commotion in the living room. Tyler's eyes went wide with fear, well- at least that's what Josh guessed. Footsteps headed towards the room, Joshua ran into the connecting bathroom.
The bedroom door swung open..
She hadn't noticed Josh yet. He could see her though.
"Hey Tyler.. Why you look so....?"
Satisfied? Sexy? Sweaty?
Red? Really.
Tyler let out a nervous chuckle. He looked at Josh.
Jenna's eyes followed.
"Joshua..? Where's your shirt..?"
He looked down. Where IS my shirt??
He looked across the room, it was next to Tyler- who was red.
I guess Jenna was right about that one. Lobster red.
Jenna's eyes widened as she put the pieces together.
She turned to leave the room.
"By the way Josh. Your flys down.."
She left misty eyed, and for once.. Tyler didn't chase her.

Bye JennaWhere stories live. Discover now