Holding onto You

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The smell whacked Tyler in the face when he arrived back at Josh's house.
It smelt familiar but he couldn't place it.
Almost like... Ohio?
He shook of the feeling and kicked off his shoes.
"Josh?" Tyler cautious called while walking throughout the house.
  He really didn't understand why Josh didn't work on his house.
The kitchen had a bar separating the dining room and kitchen itself, but the kitchen was never cleaned, and the dining room table was stacked high with Josh's college books.
   ---Even though Josh dropped out of college years ago.

Tyler smelt food though.. Not fast food- or frozen food..
It smelt like a home cooked meal.
Like his mom- Kelly, used to make for him all the time.
"Josh..?" Tyler called again walking towards Josh's room
Josh couldn't cook... Well not as far as Tyler knew.
He crept open Josh's door slowly to see Josh laying there in his boxers... With two plates of food.

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