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(( I deleted the last part so if you've been reading as I've been updating- re read the last part))

Josh and Tyler sat on Josh's bed eating Taco Bell
"Can you pass me some hot sauce" Josh said covering his mouth while chewing.
Tyler dug through the bag, tossing Josh some sauce
Tyler continued to watch Law and Order on Josh's television- next thing he knew Josh was on top of him
"OF COURSE I WILL!!!" Josh laughed, shifting his weight to one arm so he could push the hair from his own face.
Wide eyed Tyler stared at Josh for an answer to what was going on
Josh grabbed the Taco Bell sauce packet, then sat up.
"OOOooooh Tyler wants to marry me" he teased, showing Tyler the quote on the packet. It said "will you marry me"
Tyler nervously chuckled "I do not" but it didn't come out as stern and confident as he was hoping it would.
Josh grabbed the paper wrapper from his straw, wrapping it around his ring finger. He held out his hand and nodded "it's LOVELY Tyler " he mocked the tone of a fancy girl.
Tyler's eye twitched, he didn't know what to do. So he just let his body do whatever
He grabbed Josh's hand, kissing it
"Joshua William Dun.." He swallowed , but joked nervously "Will you marry me?"
Josh laughed, nodding he went along "of course Tyler" he did the smile that Tyler loved- with his eyes and all. Then what happened next, none of them expected.. Tyler grabbed Josh's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

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